Bianca King prepares birth plan

TV host Bianca King feels that she needs to prepare this early for her delivery of her first baby.

King laid out her plan via her Instagram page last Saturday, Sept. 10, sharing five of her baby bump photos.

“In the middle of my 2nd trimester and thinking about a birth plan. Prepping the nursery now so that I can relax during the 3rd tri [and] train for the marathon of birth [and] post partum. Doing a hypnobirthing [and] online birth class, not just for me but also to prepare Ralph as my birth partner,” she said.⁠

⁠King is “drawn to the idea of natural, intervention-free birth” where she has autonomy to labor at her own pace.

“But things can go in a completely different direction so I will remain open,” she stressed.

⁠King is writing a plan of her preferences for both natural and cesarean section, inspired by friends who did the same.


⁠”I hope to be able to advocate for myself [and] not feel pressured into something that’s not absolutely medically necessary,” she stressed, noting that “everyone is different, only you [and] your care provider know what’s right for you.”

“All we could hope for is to feel empowered and unafraid but all that matters in the end is we deliver a healthy baby, however they decide to be born,” she said.

King married Ralph Wintle last year in a private ceremony inside her living room in her house in Australia. JB


LOOK: Bianca King pregnant with her first child

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