Do this 8-minute routine for a stronger core

While a six-pack isn’t always a sign of strength, these quick core routines however can condition you to improve overall power

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Core workouts may feel like a drag; after all they’re designed to strengthen and condition the body to build proper posture and in some cases, develop abdominal muscles.

While getting six-pack abs (or not) may depend on people’s choices, we still recommend these core routines that you may insert into your fitness regimen to improve your balance and reduce back pain. For beginners, you can do these exercises in as short as eight minutes—doing each position for two minutes each to reap the benefits of speedy but effective exercises—or simply incorporate these into your regular fitness program.

1. All fours

Begin by positioning both hands and knees in a quadruped position. Extend your knees and shift your weight towards your upper body, then pull one closer to your shoulders. This simple move, which strengthens the abdomen and the back, is perfect for beginners to practice their balance, as it trains the body to get support from head to heel. 

Beginners Abdominal Workout - All Fours

2. Knee catches

Knee catches require you to lie on your back with your arms forming a low V on both sides and lifting your knees to tabletop. This position, just like the all fours, is beginner-friendly and is convenient to do. 

3. Reverse crunch 

A reverse crunch can be challenging, but you can learn it in a few minutes. It requires you to lie on your back with your hands tucked under your butt while your knees are bent as you bring both up at a 90-degree angle. Once you get the hang of it, you can increase the difficulty by doing more. This exercise particularly targets your rectus abdominis and activates other abdominal muscles.

4. Plank

A core exercise isn’t complete without a plank. Since the position requires you to support your whole body in a straight line using your forearms and toes, it strengthens the abdominal muscle and spine, improving your posture and preventing back pains.