Prepare for the holidays as early as now to beat the stress and avoid weight gain

Christmas is just around the corner and parties will start next month. You might have the best intentions about your well-being when you face the New Year, however, lack of preparation can stress you out, which can lead to lack of sleep, stress eating, skipping workout sessions, weight gain, and sickness. You’ve worked hard since the start of the year and you don’t want to reverse the good results that can possibly happen during the holiday season. Here are some effective strategies that you can do right NOW to avoid the holiday stress so you can still pursue your health, fitness, and weight loss goals.

Fix your schedule and plan your day

Allot 30 minutes a day or at least a couple of hours a week for holiday planning that involves gift giving, Christmas parties, vacation, holiday workouts, food preparation, house cleaning, year-end job tasks, and family responsibilities. Accomplish something weekly in terms of strategizing, organizing, coordinating with people, and shopping to avoid the stress that can strongly affect your health and weight.

Monitor your lifestyle and balance it out

Always prioritize your well-being during the holidays to avoid sickness so you can be more productive this holiday season. Don’t wait for January to set your New Year’s Resolution, now is the best time to reassess your health and lifestyle, set realistic goals, make your action plan, and work on it in the next two months.  

Continue to motivate yourself to move 

You need to move as much as your body and schedule allow you on a daily basis. It starts today. Do not waste every opportunity to exercise, just because you don’t feel like it, or you’re lazy and unmotivated. Explore ways how to continue quality movement during the holiday season so you can always beat the stress, improve your health, lose extra fat and experience positive emotions.

Cleanse your body before the holidays

Christmas parties might start as early as the first week of December. Of course, you need to celebrate the season with your loved ones without depriving yourself of the holiday foods (while practicing portion control). Take advantage of this period (November) when it’s still easier to focus on your normal clean eating.

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