Anne Curtis’ good karma continues

ANNE Curtis

Actress Anne Curtis

Anne’s horoscope continues to promise dizzying heights of success in the coming five years. This astrological pattern for her destiny is strong, and she is reaping excellent karma from current and past actions. Some slight delays in her career continue until June, after which time she will find herself in an excellent circumstance related to some foreign film or television offer.


If boundaries in your relationships remain unchanged, you will be taking the next step to clearly define what’s acceptable and what’s not. Someone may have been taking liberties with you. Between the 18th and 20th, you will have had enough and will want to set the record straight. Having done that, you will feel a great deal more respect from your significant other or a close friend.


You need to disable your calendar and other devices that disturb your peace of mind and concentration. In work matters, the 16th, 20th, and 22nd will be days when you can effectively push your own agenda and try something very different. Others may oppose you at first, but your persistence will give you the success you desire, and you’ll be able to say “I told you so.”


You can effectively let go of a situation that has bothered you for some time, but releasing yourself from the past is not just a practical affair. You need to engage your mind in other things so that you don’t keep slipping back to the way things were. This is a new week in which you can look forward, and let go of any guilt or shame.


You are not happy with your finances at present, but you need to take a hands-on approach to fixing things so that your debt doesn’t spiral out of control. There may be the need to speak to your bank manager or financial adviser to sort out a budget, but if you keep sweeping this issue under the rug, nothing will get done. A fortunate meeting after the 23rd could resolve many of these issues.


Tuesday and Wednesday are important days to clarify your value system and reinstate order in the family budget. Money doesn’t grow on trees, but you haven’t told your family that this is the case. Is it any wonder everyone keeps putting their hand out, begging you to solve their financial dilemmas? This is a week when you should avoid confrontations, but by the same token, you need to put your foot down when demands are weighing too heavily upon you.


You’ve had to backtrack in your relationships recently, and this has made you feel as if you are simply treading water. Moving forward can now take place, but only because you’ve been able to assert yourself in ways that have made others feel uncomfortable. Sometimes being creative like this does that. This is out of character for you, but you are quickly learning that making yourself heard, and sometimes loudly at that, is the only way to get others to agree.


Unless you’re prepared to listen to your body signals closely, you’re not effectively going to take control of your health and well-being. You are torn between taking full responsibility for your self-improvement or putting it in the hands of medical practitioners who will simply dose you up with pharmaceuticals. You have a choice now to manage your strength and vigor through diet, exercise, and a positive mental attitude. Have no doubt that these things will improve your health situation.


Trying to get a general consensus from those around you by being nice often doesn’t work. People will take advantage of you if they think they can get you to do most of the work, and then take the credit for it. That can change, but you need to respect yourself more and understand that negotiations should begin with you being the one in a position of power. Forget about approaching others with cap in hand. Ditch the cap and assert your authority in any upcoming negotiations.


Even though you are happy to explore new avenues of social engagement, you still need to be just that little bit more experimental in your life. You want to experience life on the cutting edge, and may have the opportunity to do so after the 20th when an unusual person may come into your life and change the way you think and experience things. It is important, however, not to mix business with pleasure, and to stick to a more conservative approach in work matters.


Haste makes waste, so listen to a work colleague who may have a completely different spin on how you can improve your cash flow and come out on top right away. You might not have given this person too much credence previously, but will be surprised when those gems of monetary wisdom come flowing out of his or her mouth in your direction. You have a taste for expensive luxuries this week, but need to know your limits for the time being.


If you need time out, it’s probably best to do it this week, as you are at a biorhythmic “low.” Part of the issue stems from your being over-emotional about work deadlines and expectations that others have of you during this cycle. You’re pushing yourself beyond your limits! Stop! You do, however, have the thumbs up to disappear for a little while, during which time you can recharge your low battery and return fresh and revitalized, ready for action once again.


Someone may put the hard word on you this week, and this relates to either assistance with your time, or worse still, your money. Being courteous and at the same time making it clear that you are not in any position to extend loans to others will be an interesting balancing act for you. The art of diplomacy seems to be high on your agenda during the coming few days. You don’t need to elaborate, but simply and politely refuse any unreasonable requests.

Your Karma—Q&A

I’m Gigi from Quezon City.  I am a Leo, and I am going through a most difficult period! I was born on August 18, 1946, at 9:20 a.m., I think it was a Thursday morning. Am I being whacked or hit by Saturn, or any other planet?  When I was younger, I was hit by Saturn and went through a terrible period in my life, too. Thank you for whatever enlightenment you can share with me.  Sincerely yours, Gigi

Hi Gigi,

Saturn and Mars intensify your life up until August, after which you should feel considerable relief. With these two planets conjoining in your relationship and marriage sector, this is the specific area that needs work karmically throughout the coming year. As I write this, I am experiencing pain in my left foot. This means you should take care with your feet and choice of shoes. Best wishes, Dadhichi

Dadhichi is director of  You can contact Dadhichi on