Help someone achieve their healthy living goals in 2023 with these wellness gift ideas

The global financial crisis and significant life changes brought by the pandemic can have a great impact on one’s stress level and mental condition. Give your loved ones the gift of happiness and empower them to give importance to their well-being, especially nowadays when people can easily get sick. Help others restart healthy living after all the health issues, stressors, and social gatherings this year. Knowing what wellness gifts you can give others can also lessen your stress and make you feel so much better by being able to match your gifts with what they truly want and/or need right now. Be a great health and wellness influencer. You have the power to help others achieve their best health and fitness this 2023.

Analyze your budget before the year ends so you can allot unique health and wellness gifts to your loved ones. Keep in mind that the best gifts don’t need to be expensive. You can even use your skill set to deliver the Christmas spirit within your community, write a Christmas letter to your spouse or just spend much-needed time with your close friends. Wellness goes beyond just physical and material things. It is all about experiencing the favorable results brought about by good health such as having fulfilling relationships, getting restful sleep, enjoying movement, having a very productive day, and becoming more resilient against life’s struggles.

Set your intentions

Focus on the real needs of others

Take a moment to reflect on the wellness needs and preferences of the people on your holiday gift list.  Your parents might be needing more medical check-ups, your sister might love to receive workout clothes, your brother might want to have a new set of running shoes, and your close relatives might love receiving a healthy grocery gift pack.

Give experiential gifts

You don’t always need to spend that much on material things because others might be receiving so much from their friends and family already. You can change it this year by giving people experiential wellness gifts such as gift checks from workout studios or one workout or healthy living consultation session with your trusted fitness and health coach.

Touch the hearts of your loved ones

If your friend is currently struggling emotionally, you can give him/her self-help books or just simply a Christmas letter using a traditional Christmas card that can help bring back your happy times together in the past.

Help others achieve a sense of balance in their lives 

Identify which area of wellness your loved ones need and have been wanting to focus on – either physical, mental, emotional, financial, social, or spiritual. Instead of giving your fit friend wellness gifts related to healthy eating and fitness, you can give him/her pleasurable gifts such as a concert ticket or a Christmas movie date with you.

How to give a gift of wellness

Before deciding the best wellness gift for someone, consider if the gift can benefit the person’s state of well-being, can contribute to achieving life balance, and can encourage the person to embrace, start or maintain healthy living. You can revisit the article I wrote last year to check where to buy the gifts online.

For overall health and immunity

For active living

For healthy eating and weight management

For mental and emotional health


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