Sins against wellness

Are you guilty yet unconsciously aware of what you’re doing? There are basic commandments that make up the pillars of wellness, and although we know them only too well, somehow, in the course of our busy lives, we tend to forget, overlook or compensate.  Here are a few scenarios.

Starve now, eat later

There are three kinds of people who do this: desperate dieters, busy folks and depressed individuals.

It never helps you in any way to abstain from food. The body will simply go into starvation mode. Furthermore, your body needs food to live. But it doesn’t justify overeating, either.

Skipping meals doesn’t make sense, either. Being busy at work more often than not makes you forget to eat, as some people claim. But the truth is, you ignored your own hunger pangs. What can only happen here is that the acidity level of your stomach will increase—and ulcers will be the end result.

Worst of all, washing it out with coffee will create more problems. Eating nothing because of emotional lows will depress the immune system and metabolism. This will contribute to more intense feelings of depression.

Eat something, no matter how small the quantity. Whenever possible, have something healthy on hand, whenever and wherever, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, raisins.

You can never go hungry in the Philippines, because there are always street vendors selling green mangoes, sweet corn, boiled eggs, coconuts and peanuts.

Regulate your meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Constancy is a must.

Drink anything—it’s liquid

While all beverages are liquid, they are not water. And this clear, colorless, calorie-less drink is the healthiest you can consume.

Thus, all the coffee, tea, alcohol and juices in the world cannot compare with water. It’s the drink above all drinks.

The human body requires 10-15 glasses of water daily—no ifs, no buts. And no other form of liquid can substitute for it. If you’re not in the habit of drinking one full glass every waking hour, then take a few sips every minute.

On the matter of the temperature of water, too hot or too cold are no-no’s. Tepid or chilled is more easily acceptable to the stomach.

Don’t sleep, just nap

Certain people can manage with three to five hours of sleep nightly, while others are train wrecks with less than six hours. Know what your comfort levels are. Even if you are comfortable with the barest minimum, try to put in six to eight hours of sleep daily. You will feel better. One of the best anti-aging regimens you can adopt today is to have good quality sleep.

Give in to cravings

There’s nothing wrong with giving in to your bitter, sweet, sour, salty or umami taste buds.  But overloading on junk foods isn’t a good thing.

The body will benefit greatly from a variety of foods. Eating the same fare over and over again will provide you only with the same nutrients. Try to vary your choices. Remember, occasionally treating yourself to your favorite blueberry cheesecake isn’t a sin.  But please don’t sin every day, even if it pleases the palate.  Try to think about your internal organs before being ruled by the power of taste. Instead, give in to the power of good health.

Today’s Affirmation: “I can conquer a mountain.”

Love and Light!