What is the most highly-recommended cooking oil by doctors?

Lately, even simple everyday tasks such as buying groceries can have us thinking twice about what we add to the cart. With the recent price hikes brought up by inflation and interrupted supply production all over the world, constraint has been the name of the game, and getting value for money has become all the more important. This has forced us to be more cautious of our shopping habits and keep a closer eye on our daily spending.

More often than not, we’ve had to settle for something less or sacrifice one thing over another. However, certain daily essentials such as cooking oil must remain non-negotiable. Not surprisingly, it is listed as one of the most consumed food products by Filipinos and is a staple in every household practically used in almost every meal we prepare for ourselves or our families. From frying or baking to grilling or roasting, cooking oil is a key ingredient for every kind of recipe. Currently, there are different types in the market such as palm, coconut, soybean, canola, and corn, among others. Each comes with its own set of benefits so, the question remains: how do we know which one to choose?

It is understandable that factors such as price and quality of ingredients are important to take into consideration, especially in this current climate. Taking it a step further though, Dr. Dexter Macalintal – an international board-certified lifestyle medicine physician – advises even the most scrupulous shoppers to place a priority on the health benefits, especially with what we choose to put inside our bodies. 

According to global dietary guidelines, oils are a key source of essential fatty acids and vitamin E that acts as an antioxidant that protects our heart, and provides 16% of our daily needs which are an important part of any healthy diet. It is therefore important for health-conscious shoppers to be able to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats when it comes to buying cooking oils as they can have different effects on blood cholesterol levels.


Canola oil cooking oils

“High intake of saturated fats can lead to increase bad cholesterol, giving us an increased risk of heart disease,” said Dr. Macalintal. “Canola oil tends to be more liquid and is filled with unsaturated fats labeled as ‘better-for-you’ by the American Heart Association.”

Furthermore, he recommends reading the ingredients and looking out for canola oils containing Phytosterols that are known for blocking the receptors of cholesterols being absorbed in the body and, as a result, lowering the levels of bad cholesterol intake. 

Golden Fiesta Canola Oil is known as one of the leading cooking experts in the Philippines, known for having Phytosterols as well as 0% Cholesterol, and 0% Trans Fat that can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by reducing the absorption of cholesterol into the body. According to a recent study, 8 out of 10 doctors highly recommend Golden Fiesta Canola Oil to their patients—making it the perfect and credible partner in healthy cooking backed up by its nutritional benefits. 

On your next grocery run, and especially with the New Year coming up, try Golden Fiesta Canola Oil – the healthy cooking oil that is made good for the heart and comes with the assurance of uncompromised quality and health with every prepared meal so you can start being a more healthier you. 


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