Starting the year strong: The ultimate guide to maximize and enjoy every moment of your workout

You tend to get demotivated when things don’t go as intended because of unexpected life circumstances. Then you find excuses to skip a workout or abandon your current program because you get impatient with seeing the results. You get quickly tired, bored, and burnt out. You should change your approach this year by having a more constructive attitude in choosing, performing, and maintaining your workouts. Then you can always look forward to doing your squats and planks daily. Remember that you can always get something from every move and step. Focus on strategies to maintain your motivation for exercise while you continue to challenge your fitness level. Develop workout habits that are sustainable for your age and lifestyle. Start moving today, and your future self will thank you for all the RESULTS: 

Here’s a complete guide to getting the most of your workouts so you can START the year STRONG and continue to love exercise for life:

Identify your exercise goals/s

Establish your goals before choosing the best workout to answer your current needs.

Know your personality.

Match your personality with workouts that stimulate your motivation and happiness while moving.

Organize your workout.

Prioritize movement by strategically scheduling your workouts. I know a lot of company CEOs and the busiest parents who allot time for their workouts. How can you make the habit sustainable if you are constantly distracted by your kids and work while exercising? Commit firmly to your schedule unless there’s an emergency. 

Reset your mindset.

Your attitude plays a significant impact when it comes to exercise consistency. Know possible barriers that prevent you from enjoying the workout, then think of ways to change your mindset so you can embrace a sustainable active lifestyle.

Focus on exercise preparation: nutrition, hydration, and sleep.

Quality sleep and good nutrition can make you endure an intense cardio workout and lift heavier weights while burning more calories during an exercise session.

Know how to modify exercise moves safely to avoid injuries.

Accept your current fitness level and health condition. You might have stopped exercising for a while, so gradually restart your workouts. Be patient and consistent, and you will eventually regain your strengths.

Use different muscle groups in an exercise session and vary your workouts.

I prefer workouts with moves that can target many muscle groups to achieve a higher calorie burn in a short amount of time. I always look for a certain feeling of muscle burn every time I exercise. If you are a busy person who can spend a maximum of one hour of workout per day, consider the following tips.

Vary your workout types during the week:

Move mindfully.

Be fully engaged with your workout experience by being grateful, participating in the movement, and celebrating your strengths.

Look for a fitness role model.

I admire older women who can care for their bodies and balance life. They always inspire me to pursue my wellness journey, and their stories give me hope and strength. Having fitness role models (your friend, mom, friends, coach, or people you don’t know) can strengthen your motivation to move. 

Appreciate your progress and share your achievements

You can feel your exercise achievements after a few weeks of continuous effort. Feel how your clothes can fit better, hear comments from other people about your looks and vibe, and feel your fitness level is improving. Look for ways to track your progress and then share with others.

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