Directions: An Art Exhibit by Yul Servo Nieto

Modern art in its many shapes and forms is once again on center stage. One such form is contemporary metal artwork. In this unique medium, we bring to light the artist Yul Servo Nieto.

Not your typical artist, Nieto, whose unusual background we will leave for another time, composes mosaics of mixed metals creating visual symphonies that stir curiosity… and then nostalgia. As an artist re-invented, his pieces invoke thought. Because of the material he uses, the pieces themselves evolve as they go through a natural reaction with the elements over time. This in turn allows viewers the opportunity of looking at the same piece in a different light many years from now.

Discover Yul Servo Nieto and his amazing works at his first solo exhibit on Sunday, February 12 at the Pinto Art Museum in Antipolo, Rizal. The exhibit titled Directions opens from 4:00 pm till 10:00 pm. Net proceeds from the sale of Nieto’s works shall go to the beneficiaries and charitable works of The Inquirer Foundation, Juan Pinoy, and YES, I BELIEVE.