Building a future with the Swiss

Building a future with the Swiss
Switzerland Ambassador Alain Gaschen

The Swiss are known for their elegance and sophistication. No event could have exemplified this better than the event to mark the 65th anniversary of Swiss-Filipino relations, hosted by the gracious Swiss Embassy.

Daniel Zuellig, Daniela Gashen


Sen. Mark Villar, Consul General Fortune Ledesma of Monaco

Held in the Zuellig building’s Skygarden (courtesy of Daniel Zuellig, cofounder of the Zuellig Family Foundation), the night had an overarching theme of “Building the Future, Together.”

India Ambassador Shambbu Kumaran, Rep. Rachel Arenas


Patxi Elizalde, Fernando Zobel

Switzerland Ambassador Alain Gaschen spoke of the longstanding relationship between Switzerland and the Philippines. While the Swiss only officially established diplomatic relations with the Philippines in 1957, the ties between the two nations go back to the 1800s, when Swiss merchants first began establishing themselves here.

Carol and Hans Sy


Papal Nuncio Archbishop Charles Brown, Men Form-Zuellig

In the many years since, the relationship between the Swiss and Filipinos has only continued to flourish. Coming into the next decade of the 21st century, Switzerland is committed to continue working towards a future grounded on innovation, sustainability, and mutual growth. A future that we will build—together. —CONTRIBUTED