Design tips to declutter your space

Photos by Stanley Ong
Styled by Mark Perez
Shot on location at Empire Designs
Office organizer items available at Office Warehouse

Seldom has organizing your things been an activity to look forward to. It always felt like a chore; like something you threw back into the deep end of a shelf when you wrongly pulled a neatly folded T-shirt from the bottom of a stack of clothes. You would keep putting it off.

On this page, we change this old view of dreary organizing by presenting storage solutions not only as answers to putting your things in order, but also as decorative directions and in many instances as accents themselves.

The creative process is combined with your own demands and lifestyle. Physically, it goes hand in hand with the mental exercise of decluttering your mind. With this in mind, you only need to try it once to realize it will never be a chore again.

Reprinted from Cocoon Magazine