Maria Clara ‘adobo’

By Ivan Maminta and family. Makes for four servings:

300 g chicken breast, cubed
300 g pork belly, skin off, cubed
30 ml vegetable oil
6 pc garlic cloves, thinly sliced
2 pc shallots, minced
60 ml Kikkoman soy sauce
180 ml Datu Puti premium cane vinegar
80 ml water
3 tsp black pepper corn, fresh ground
1 pc bay leaf, dried
4 pc plain suman
2 pc ripe mango halves
1 pc green mango half
4 pc rice wrapper

In a heavy bottomed stock pot, heat vegetable oil over medium heat. Add pork belly cubes and toss with a wooden spoon, until toasted on all sides. Add chicken breast and toss until toasted on all sides. Remove meat from pan and set aside.

Add garlic and toss until tender, about 3 minutes. Add shallots and toss until tender and transparent, about 2 minutes. Return meat to pot. Add in vinegar. It should sizzle then settle down. Lower heat to low. Let simmer for 5 minutes. Add soy sauce and water. Stir to evenly coat all meat. Add peppercorn and bay leaf. Let simmer uncovered to reduce the liquid by ¾, stirring occasionally about 30 to 45 minutes.
Test for tenderness of meat. If still not able to flake the meat easily with a fork, add 100 ml water and simmer for a few more minutes. Meat should easily fall off and sauce should be thick and sticky. Remove from heat and let cool.

In a bowl, pound suman until it resembles one glob of sticky rice. In another bowl, soak rice wrappers in clean water until pliable, about 5 minutes. Slice mango halves horizontally into thin slivers. Lay rice wrapper on a clean wooden board. Spoon adobo on the bottom third of the wrapper, forming a line, leaving space to roll up. Spoon sticky rice next to adobo along the line. Arrange ripe and green mango slivers alternately next to the sticky rice. Roll up wrapper tightly around the bundle, and serve warm or cold.

Blue Ginger Pork Adobo
By Isaiah Ortega and team. Makes four servings:

1k pork finger ribs (pork primal cut), approximately 4-5 cuts
3 g lemon balm, finely chopped.
3 pc fresh Holland bay leaves, bruised.
3 g coriander seeds, pounded.
20 g dried shiitake mushrooms, rehydrated
4 g black peppercorns, crushed
50 g leeks, thinly sliced
60 g blue ginger (galangal), julienne
75 g garlic, pounded
2 tbsp pinakurat vinegar
3 tbsp sherry vinegar
5 tbsp calamansi juice
5 tbsp light soy sauce
5 tbsp oyster sauce
Purslane leaves and cilantro

Infuse the first bay leaf in the oil over medium heat. Add the pork and sear; once brown and seared, transfer on a holding container. On the same pan, sauté the leeks, garlic, blue ginger, and coriander seeds. Add all the vinegars and let boil for a minute without stirring.
Bring the pork back on the pan and add the calamansi juice along with the soy sauce and oyster sauce. Add the crushed pepper, rehydrated mushrooms, and the remaining bay leaves. Simmer for an hour or until tender, adjust seasoning and let it soak for another hour. Garnish with purslane and cilantro.