Why Blake Lively Told Off a Reporter For Asking About Her Outfit

blake lively

Blake Lively isn’t having it if all you care about is the dress she’s wearing. At Variety’s Power of Women event, Blake told off a reporter for asking her only about her outfit choice for the night. She started off by saying, “Are we really doing this? Would you ask a man that? ”

USA Today reporter Maeve McDermott caught Blake on tape as she told off the reporter. “You can ask me another question,” Blake says as she finished how the context of the event was more about her dress.


The Power of Women event was giving a nod to Blake for her work against child sex trafficking and pornography. You can surmise why she felt slighted as to why the biggest concern of one reporter was her outfit choice.

In 2011, a Sundance film entry called Miss Representation, showed the sexist ways we report on women and their achievements, prioritizing what they look like before proceeding to the detials of their achievements. The same creator of the film, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, created the #askhermore campaign which urged how we should be conscious of the type of questions reserved for women in red carpet events.

Six years after the campaign first started, it looks like some people still haven’t gotten the memo. Blake’s incident reminded us of  that and why we should remain diligent over the microtransgressions we encounter as women.



Photo courtesy of Blake Lively’s Instagram account

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