This is not an advertisement, but a sharing of very useful information we’ve tried and tested ourselves. It’s about a common product that’s been around for years—WD-40.
What it is is “water displacement #40.” It was mainly created years ago as a rust preventive and degreaser for missile parts. But because it’s main ingredient is fish oil, it has proven to be more than just that. Here are a few other uses we’ve discovered that may help you finally solve some household cleaning and maintenance problems.
1. Wipe it on silverware and it prevents tarnishing.
2. Removes road tar, grime and scraped-on paint safely from cars.
3. Restores and cleans chalkboards.
4. Loosens stuck zippers.
5. Removes stains from ceramic and stainless steel sinks.
6. Removes burnt food and grime from barbecue grills.
8. Removes hard water buildup from stainless showers, sink fixtures and granite.
9. Camouflages scratches and stains from marble and granite without making it slippery.
10. Removes scruff marks from tile and marble flooring without too much elbow grease.
11. Lubricates stuck windows and door tracks for easy sliding.
12. Removes all traces of duct tape and stickers.
13. Effectively removes crayon marks and fingerprints from painted walls. Just spray on the marks and wipe clean.
14. Restores and cleans leather-padded dashboards.
15. Lubricates wheels and metal hinges.