Did Detective Pikachu leak online??

A mysterious account called InspectrPikachu released an hour and a half YouTube video titled “POKÉMON Detective Pikachu: Full Picture.” Could it really be the whole movie?

We checked it out and braved potential spoilers for you. What did we find? Not the film, thankfully, but the next best thing. An hour, 42 minutes, and 53 seconds of Pikachu doing aerobics dancing. And to ’80s style dance music no less. Looks like we’ll still have to wait for the movie to come out tomorrow.

You know what, Ryan Reynolds is right to report this content. It is too damn cute to handle, and we don’t deserve this. Dear internet, from now on, this is the only kind of leak and/or trolling that we ever want to find. The world would be a better place.

Still from Detective Pikachu (2019)