Yes, It’s Real: Mocha Uson Joins Pres. Duterte’s Communications Team

mocha uson

Mocha Uson nabs a top spot in Pres. Duterte’s team as assistant secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO). Just when you think things can’t get any worse, the President says “Hold my drink,” as the viral meme goes.

Mocha, who stepped down from her position in the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board, will now be assisting Secretary Martin Andanar and Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella for all formal communications coming directly from the President. If there’s one thing she’s good at, after all, is spreading the version of facts the President wants you to hear rather than look at the evidence.

Mocha, famous for her #alternativefacts and staunch support of the Duterte war on drugs, has divided the nation for her baseless claims and her denial of the body count the President has racked up during his time. She continuously attacks people for being “dilawan” and tries to discredit the media for being biased while constantly claiming she is not a journalist.

She also loves picking fights against Vice-President Leni Robredo, even attacking a publication which featured both her and Robredo in one issue.

But this move is a clear attempt of the administration to legitimize her opinions and her false statements. It also represents how the government will continuously tell us to look the other way on issues that even international organizations and publications have called the Philippines out on.

Remember when #DutertePleaseAppointMe became a viral joke on social media last year? Who knew that we’d give anything to have that time back?


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