Anti-aging and the human growth hormone

Oh to defy the ravages of time! Better yet, to counter the effects of gravity on the skin. Can it be done?

When the toll the years take on our bodies is more strongly felt, the call to action becomes more urgent. And one must not waste a single moment.

Here’s why.

Let’s talk about a simple protein composed of a single long chain of 191 amino acids—human growth hormone or HGH.

In a small corner of your brain sits the pituitary gland, which secretes HGH in generous doses in childhood and peaks before your 20th birthday. From then on, there is a gradual decline. Therefore, when you hit your 60s, the human body only gets 15-20 percent of the HGH you used to receive in your early youth.

Growth spurt

HGH is responsible for the tremendous growth spurt of children. However, in order to age gracefully, a reasonable amount of HGH is necessary.

What can HGH do?

Improves sleep, sexual libido, cardiovascular function, the kidney’s ability to excrete waste, and controls bone mineral density and content, immune system, muscle mass and definition.

How HGH works:

While you’re sleeping, the growth hormone enters the bloodstream. This is why sleep is so important for growing children. Pediatricians strongly recommend children develop the habit of napping and sleeping early for good reason.

When the hormone leaves the blood stream to enter the liver, it is transformed into somatomedin C or IGF-1 or insulin-like growth factor.

This is a messenger molecule that carries the HGH message of growth, much like a command, to every cell of the body.

You test whether you have adequate levels of HGH through a blood test that measures 1GF-1, a blood marker.

How to increase HGH:

Vigorous exercise helps. Continuous regular cardiovascular exercise for 30-45 minutes daily is recommended. The anti-aging benefits of exercise cannot be overemphasized.

Avoid or limit sweet, sugary foods.

Remember: The higher the blood sugar, the less growth hormone will be secreted by the body. There’s a chain reaction that you want to avoid. The body depends on carbohydrates for its energy. The two types carbohydrates are:

(a) refined carbohydrates—from processed flour, sugar syrups, candies, pastries, white breads, white noodles and sugar-coated cereals;

(b) complex carbohydrates—high-fiber root crops like sweet potato, squash, multigrain rice and bread.

High blood sugar

Chronic intake of sugary foods leads to high blood sugar levels which eventually lead to increased secretion of insulin by the pancreas to normalize blood sugar levels.

Now, with an excess of insulin there is also an increase of fat deposits. This excess injures the body, especially the arteries. The increase in oxidative damage is caused by the presence of free radicals.

In short, sugar is not good cell food. If you can avoid it, better.

Take your antioxidants. Multivitamins and minerals can only boost your anti-aging program. Look for natural vitamin supplements as opposed to synthetically manufactured ones.

When taking vitamins, like C, it is best to take it at three- to four-hour intervals throughout the day and before bedtime, so you have practically 12-16 hours of  protection.

As with any recipe, there has to be ingredients. So, if you’re thinking about growth hormone treatment, it is best to consult your physician. An endocrinologist will subject you to a hormone blood test to determine your levels of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, IGF-1, cortisol. Only then should you begin with your regimen. Do not self-medicate.

Too much growth hormone can lead to bloating if it is not based on the correct amounts of estrogen, according to Dr. Eric Braverman in Suzanne Sommer’s book “Breakthroughs”

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