How Heart reclaims #PowerOverDamage in life with Cream Silk Salon Expert Daily Treatment

Heart is no longer afraid to take risks and make bold hair choices as Cream Silk Philippines ensures she has power over hair damage with Cream Silk Salon Expert Daily Treatment. 

Heart Evangelista wears many hats: she’s an actress, an artist, a businesswoman, and a philanthropist, and now she’s a force to be reckoned with in the global fashion industry.

Heart’s admirable success and reputable status have been achieved by doing one simple thing: taking good care of her hair, with the company of her trusted partner for 20 years, Cream Silk Philippines.

Her 20-year relationship with Cream Silk Philippines has helped her become more confident with herself and reclaim her power over life’s damages. 

For Heart, being a global fashion icon comes with the public expectations of her to always be perfect and live a faultless life. Because with one wrong move or decision you make that’s opposite to what people expect of you to do, you’ll get automatically crucified. This is what Heart has experienced throughout her life.

“For me, growing up you had to be perfect,” the Filipino actress and socialite shared. “But sometimes in life, when you put your foot down, people automatically think you’re evil.”

Heart added that with this, she tries to be as open as possible to everyone but still keeps certain situations out of the public eye, such as hiding her inner monsters, and experiencing self-doubt and hesitations. 

“There are many problems that I’ve had that I thought I wouldn’t get over because I didn’t do so well,” she admitted.

Heart Evangelista #PowerOverDamage Cream Silk Salon Expert Daily Treatment

Instead of looking at challenges in a negative light, Heart sees these hardships as tools to harness her power over life’s damages.

“Sometimes, you wouldn’t feel good about [these] challenges,” she explained. “But because of them, I learned to really treasure myself, put my foot down, and say no to certain things I don’t want to do. And I feel I’m stronger now and empowered.”

“I’m very confident because I have really taken good care of my hair ever since,” Heart proudly said. 

She added that she’s no longer afraid of taking risks when it comes to her hair as Cream Silk Philippines ensures she has power over hair damage with Cream Silk Salon Expert Daily Treatment. 

This new go-to after-salon care product offers the ultimate damage repair that allows anyone to rebond, color, style, or perm their hair without the fear of damaging consequences. Cream Silk Salon Expert Daily Treatment is a perfect tool to empower women to be fearless and bold, and take risks with their hair decisions.

“I love how Cream Silk supports modern women,” she said. “I feel like aside from the innovation [they make] for the women of today, Cream Silk is also giving in to our needs. They also embrace a person’s life changes.”

Heart also advises modern Filipinas to not be afraid to explore and learn things about themselves, and they can start with their hair first.

“It’s not too late to discover new things about yourself, especially with your hair,” said Heart. “Everything will look good as long as you feel good. So, do whatever you want.”

Just like Heart, you can have power over damage and take on challenges and risks fearlessly because of Cream Silk Salon Daily Expert Treatments.

It has Keratin and Collagen Dual Serum, the perfect formula to deeply repair and renew each strand and bring back your nourished beautiful hair, and comes with three variants.

The first is the Keratin Rebond Straight which revamps extremely damaged, salon-treated hair to intensely repaired hair with boosted smoothness and shine. The second is Keratin Damage Repair which transforms extremely damaged, salon-treated hair to intensely repaired and renewed hair. Last but not least, the Aloe Detox Mint which revitalizes extremely damaged, salon-treated hair to detoxified and restored hair.

Cream Silk Salon Daily Expert Treatments is available in supermarkets, department stores, drug stores, and e-commerce channels nationwide. For more information, visit and follow their Facebook and Instagram pages. BrandRoom/LMR