For youthful, beautiful, and glowing skin: Stelton Dermascience’s buy 5 get 1 free promo on lasers and facial

For youthful, beautiful and glowing skin: STELTON DERMASCIENCE’S BUY 5 GET 1 FREE PROMO ON LASERS AND FACIALS

Taking care of your skin is a must these days, what with all the stress, the pollutants, unhealthy diets and hormonal changes that we are exposed to everyday. Yes, your skin matters.

Avail of Stelton Dermascience’s ongoing Buy 5 Get 1 Free promo offer for lasers and facials that can help rejuvenate the skin and reduce the signs of aging. You can customize your treatments based on your needs and preferences. The clinic’s experienced aestheticians can also give customers their recommendations.

Choose from these facial treatments: revitalizing facial (anti-aging and collagen facial); pimple free (anti acne facial); dermascience (signature facial that includes LED therapy, chest and upper back massage) ; pristine (rejuvenating facial with diamond feel); and Jetpeel (hydradermabrasion facial with LED therapy).

Clear Laser with Carbon
Dermascience Facial
Pimple Free Facial
Revitalizing Facial

Lasers also contribute to the overall improvement on one’s skin by harnessing the power of light and heat to refresh the skin for a more youthful appearance. Available are Gold PT laser (facial treatment combined with laser that uses gold nano particles to convert photo energy from a laser to thermal energy to promote faster healing of the skin) and clear laser (stimulates collagen development that helps revitalize skin, tightens pores, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and overall improvement in skin complexion, tone and texture).

Treatment starts at P500.

It is possible to achieve dewy and glowing skin. The key is to treat it with utmost care.

Stelton Dermascience has branches at the 2F Ayala North Exchange Mall, Makati City (0297001316 ), 09778555769 and at the 2F Eight Forbestown Mall, Burgos Circle, Taguig (02-84036346 and 09778555793).

Follow: @steltondermascience on IG; FB Stelton Dermascience.