Filipino alumni of EU schools share why study abroad is worth it

Filipino alumni of EU schools share why study abroad is worth it
Goodwill Ambassadors of 2023 EHEF —PHOTOS BY JOANNA MANGALINO

Good governance, efficient transportation and easy access to healthcare.

These are only a few things the Filipino Goodwill Ambassadors of the European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) said they missed upon returning home after their stay in Europe, at the press conference last Sept. 14 at Shangri-La Plaza, Mandaluyong City.

With this year’s theme of “Pathways to Excellence,” the fair wants to highlight that education knows no geographical boundaries, showing the European Union’s (EU) commitment to offer Filipino students an immersive platform in exploring diverse fields of study and unlocking unparalleled opportunities on a global scale.

During the panel discussion, the Goodwill Ambassadors shared their experiences, and lessons and tips for Filipinos looking to study abroad.

Jasmine Salanga, a graduate of journalism of Poland’s Akademia Kultury Społecznej i Medialnej w Toruniu

Jasmine Salanga, who studied in Poland, at Akademia Kultury Społecznej i Medialnej w Toruniu, said her experience allowed her to view global perspectives in the journalism field.


Cristina Gregorio, an alumni from Germany whose chosen field is development and sustainability, said she learned a lot from the government abroad because they “walk the talk.”

Cristina Gregorio, an MA development management alumna of Ruhr University Bochum in Germany, a Goodwill Ambassador of this year’s EHEF

When asked for advice for prospective applicants, Gregorio emphasized the importance of research. “[Read] about all the public information, and then hopefully it helps you identify where you want to study, which program, which school. And then try to reach out to those schools, find alumni like us, whether from the Philippines or overseas,” she said.

She added that it’s also necessary to give yourself ample time to accomplish the requirements, like the motivational essays or statements of purpose. “Even if it’s just a one-pager, it takes time to think about what to put, how it aligns with your goals and what the university offers,” Gregorio explained. “It’s important that your goals and what the university offers match because that will help you get selected.”

Organized by the Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines, together with EU member states’ embassies, education services and institutes, in collaboration with the Commission on Higher Education, EHEF will allow Filipino students, professionals, researchers and university officials to connect directly with some of the world-class higher education institutions from across the EU.

Eighty-five higher education institutions and diplomatic missions from Belgium, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Finland and Sweden will be participating on-ground on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 at Shangri-La Plaza, Mandaluyong City, and online on Oct. 2. INQ

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