How to keep doing what you love at 50+

As we go through life, aging brings changes, and not all are easy to embrace. One of the most significant and sometimes disheartening changes is how it can limit what we can do. Activities that used to bring us immense joy might suddenly feel out of reach. Whether it’s a leisurely walk, a favorite sport, or exploring new adventures, aging can sometimes put a damper on our passions. 

Here’s the key takeaway: Getting older doesn’t have to hold you back. By having the right mindset, you can hold onto your ability to enjoy life’s little pleasures while enhancing your physical capabilities. 

Here are some essential things you can do  to help you keep doing what you love as you age:

Be on The Move: Use It or Lose It

Reduced physical activity can lead to a decline in strength and coordination as we get older.1 Contrary to the belief that we should exercise less as we age, regular physical activity becomes even more vital. In fact, you might need to increase your exercise time to counteract hormonal changes and other aging-related factors.2 Some beneficial activities to enhance strength, balance, and flexibility include brisk walking, stretching, or home-based workouts like yoga.3 Consider aerobics and Zumba for an engaging fitness routine. If dancing isn’t your thing, outdoor activities like gardening or hiking are invigorating alternatives to stay active.

Healthy Weight Please

Maintaining a healthy weight as you age is not just advisable; it’s a recipe for a more active and enjoyable life. Each passing year, the body may face natural changes, but a balanced weight can be key to continued vitality. High BMI in older adults can lead to health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.4 On the other hand, being underweight can cause problems like osteoporosis and anemia, making recovery from illnesses harder.5

Mind Your Posture 

Prioritizing good posture is an investment in your future mobility.6 Be mindful of your posture throughout the day, whether sitting, standing, or walking, and correct any slouching or leaning. You can strengthen your core and back muscles with exercises like planks and leg raises, and incorporate stretches for your chest, shoulders, neck, and hips. Keep your head aligned with your spine, take short breaks during long periods of sitting or standing, wear supportive shoes, and practice proper lifting techniques. 

Quench Body Thirst: Keep Joints Lubricated 

Staying hydrated is not only essential for overall health but also crucial for joint lubrication.7 Getting enough fluids helps reduce joint discomfort and improve flexibility. While water remains the top choice for staying hydrated, consider incorporating a beverage like green tea into your routine. Green tea boasts antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that can potentially contribute to better joint health.8

Calcium and Vitamin D 

Including calcium and vitamin D in your diet is a smart move for the health of your bones and joints. Calcium helps preserve bone density, reducing fracture risk, and supporting vital functions like muscle and nerve operation. It’s a defense against osteoporosis, which plagues aging bones with brittleness. Calcium’s effectiveness relies on its partner, vitamin D, which ensures efficient calcium absorption. You can find calcium in foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and almonds, while vitamin D sources include sunlight, fatty fish, and fortified foods. 

Strong Bones and Flexible Joints
While you can find calcium and vitamin D in your diet, your doctor may recommend you to take supplements to ensure you’re getting enough of these crucial nutrients. It’s essential to trust reliable sources when it comes to supplements. Your healthcare provider can guide you on the right supplement and dosage tailored to your needs. 

Try Minerals + Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) (Calciumade®). It contains a combination of Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, and Manganese which are nutrients known to help protect against osteoporosis and promote optimum bone health with proper diet and exercise. Here’s what they can do for your bones:

  • Calcium: Helps Build Strong Bones
    The average adult woman needs 1000mg of Calcium daily to sustain bone strength. Minerals + Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)(Calciumade®) has adequate levels of calcium that can help strengthen bones for optimum bone health
  • Vitamin D3:  Helps Improves Calcium Absorption    
    The digestive system can only absorb 15 to 20% of the calcium intake through food. Vitamin D3 is known to help improve calcium absorption for strong bones.
  • Minerals (Flexiboosters): Helps Support Flexible Joints
    Manganese, Zinc, and Magnesium are minerals that help maintain strong bones and joint flexibility. Together, they help achieve smooth and comfortable movements so you can prevent discomfort and pressure on joints.

Take orally, once daily. Or, as directed by a doctor.

Minerals + Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) (Calciumade®) is available at Mercury Drugstores, Watsons, South Star Drug, Rose Pharmacy, Med Express, and other leading drugstores nationwide. 

If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

ASC Reference No.: U0010P101223C