How to Make Your Own Flower Mobile

diy crafts decor flower mobile preen


What do you do when you’re expecting guests? Put out the good china, prepare a good meal, and chill a bottle of wine or two. Something seems missing, though. Ah, yes, flowers! Brighten up the room and add some fresh fragrance. If you want something a little bit more, though, get a little crafty by making flower mobiles. It’s an unusual way to bring flora into your house by just using materials available in your backyard. Plus, it’s a good conversation starter for your next party.

2 clean twigs of roughly the same size
Fresh flowers with sturdy stems
Clean nylon fishing line
Adhesive ceiling hooks

1. Cut the twigs and knot them together, forming an “x,” using the nylon fishing line.
2. Knot another long piece of string at the center, and temporarily hang the twigs.
3. Choose different lengths for the stemmed flowers that you leave on the stems.
4. Tie a piece of string close to the bottom of each stem. Tie the stemmed flowers upside down on a section of the twig at different heights.
5. Secure the hooks on the ceiling, and knot the mobile.
6. Cut all the excess strings from the twigs and stemmed flowers.


Source: Ina Amor Mejia for Southern Living, “Assemblage Du Florale,” August 2015.


Photos and styling by Ina Amor Mejia