What are angel numbers and what do they mean?

Seeing repeated numbers might be a bizarre coincidence, but in the realm of numerology, these numbers have a message for you

Whether we admit it or not, most of us have made a wish when the clock struck 11:11—even if we didn’t know what it meant. 

Believers of numerology say that repeated numbers hold spiritual messages behind them. A sequence of three or four numbers is called an angel number because they are said to be messages from angelic or spirit energies that guide us in life. They convey metaphysical messages of validation or realignment. 

We might think that seeing them is just a happy accident, but spiritual experts say there is no such thing as coincidence. They say there is a higher force that orchestrates these incidents to make these signals known to us. 

Here, familiarize yourself with these angel numbers’ meanings.

111 or 1111

The number one signifies a beginning. Seeing this angel number means you should set your intentions because this is a green light from your guides to welcome new beginnings in life. Think of positive manifestations when you see this angel number as it could mark the start of something you are pining for. 

222 or 2222

If you are seeking validation and this angel number shows up, you are on the right path. You are exactly where you should be in life. Try to reach out to loved ones as this also signifies harmony, trust, and openness to love and friendship. Catch up with your ride-or-die or let your partner know you appreciate them.

333 or 3333

Everyone has talents and unique quirks up their sleeves and seeing this number is a sign to let it out. Embrace your abilities and express yourself. Your guides are telling you to trust your magic since your growth could come from it.

444 or 4444

This number is telling you  to trust yourself. If you’re ever feeling hopeless and thinking you’re a lost cause, your guides are telling you that those thoughts are not facts. Try to get out of your negative rut and pat yourself on the back for going this far. This is a reassurance from your guides.

555 or 5555

In numerology, this sequence means change and progression. If you see this angel number, it could mean that a transformative phase in your life is right around the corner and your guides are prepping you for the ride. Have a positive outlook and think that this renewing phase in your life is a step closer to a better you.

666 or 6666

Though this number is often associated with the devil, numerology opposes this negative connotation since this angel number stands for warmth and nurture. Your guides are encouraging you to put your heart on your sleeve and let go of negative emotions. It calls for you to look into your mind and soul and think of your inner child. 

777 or 7777

This sequence is the mother of angel numbers. This angel number has a high vibration and it’s a great time to meditate and manifest when you encounter it. Higher forces in the universe are tapping into you, encouraging spirituality and examining the energy you put out into the universe.

888 or 8888

When you turn the number eight, it looks like an infinity symbol. This angel number means abundance, especially monetarily. Maybe a raise is around the corner for you. Are you ready to check out those online shopping carts? But try not to lose yourself in greed and overindulgence as it would bring bad juju to the positive energy this sequence brings.

999 or 9999

As the last single digit, nine signals an end. A chapter of your life might be coming to a close and your guides are comforting and guiding you  through this transition. Endings are not necessarily bad, so it’s time to expand your horizons and look forward to entering your new era.

Art by Ella Lambio

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