#APECHottie Justin Trudeau Gets Face Printed on T-Shirt, Skirts Trash Issue in Tarlac

justin trudeau face print sweatshirt shelfies preen

This morning on The Cut, writer Allison P. Davis spotted a unicorn of a garment on the Internet: Canadian retailer Shelfies has decided to capitalize on the worldwide fan(girl) base of their charming Prime Minister and create a set of merchandise with his face printed on them.

Behold, the Dreamy Trudeau Tee and Loose Tank Top:

Like to pretend we have colder weather over here? (It’s this trend called “aspirational/delusional dressing.”) Why not the Moosin’ Trudeau Sweater and the Dreamy Trudeau Sweater?

Basically, the shirts and sweaters look like a collab between a Canadian Wildlife Wall Calendar and Lisa Frank—with a very good-looking political figure thrown in the mix. We won’t lie: We’re into it.

But you know what would really make our dreams come Trudeau (ha, see what I did there?)? It’s if the gracious Canadian leader grew a little more backbone when it came to the issue of the 100 shipping containers of garbage making their way from his great country (the glorious natural landscapes of which are highlighted on the sweaters) to ours.

According to Inquirer.net, the containers were “misdeclared by an Ontario-based firm as plastic scraps but later found out to be household wastes.”

“What a total letdown. Ignoring the Canadian garbage scandal will not earn you the respect of your people and other nations,” said Greenpeace Philippines environmentalist Von Hernandez.

The PM, for all his talk about wanting to be judged beyond his good looks, remained evasive about the issue at hand when it was brought up during a press conference yesterday.

“I have obviously been made aware of this situation and told that there is a Canadian solution in the process of being developed.  And at the same time, this has exposed a problem that needs fixing within our own legislation,” Trudeau stated at a briefing at the International Media Center.

“I think going forward, we need to ensure that if a situation like this were to arise once again, the Canadian government will have more power to actually demand action from the companies responsible,” he continued.

So to put it in relationship terms, if we were dating Justin Trudeau right now, and we asked him about a follow-up date (a.k.a. the trash issue), his answer would be a non-committal response to the tune of: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Riiiiiiiight. So that means he’s definitely calling, yeah? Or no? In any case: We’ll be waiting by the phone for your answer, JT. (Regarding the trash, that is.)

[The Cut/Inquirer.net]


Photo courtesy of Shelfies