LA Aguinaldo, Isabel Roces, and Janina Manipol Have a Lot to Thank for This Year

Thanksgiving Preen

Thank God for Thanksgiving Day. We give the world and the people in it a day to rest from our constant bitching. But more than that, it’s great to have this American holiday (never mind that our country doesn’t officially honor it) to pause, ruminate, and fully appreciate the many things that made our year, helped us grow, and saved our asses.

We gathered 22 people—from the Preen team to your favorite designers and social media influencers—to tell us what they’re most thankful for this year. After reading, tell us what yours is, please?


“I know it’s gonna sound lame, but honestly, everything. Everyone in life, every moment make me feel equally thankful. ‘Cause this year is the year of finding myself, and I was able to explore more, have more time for myself. I figured out a lot of things, and I couldn’t do that without my people, my work, and the world as my playground. So I’m thankful for all. As always.” –Jessica Yang, model

“I’m thankful that everyone (in Love Club, his group of friends—ed.) is healthy and everyone is still in love.” Sky Yang, model

“That and Jess (Yang) and I got back together.” –John James Uy, actor

“All our travels. This year, we really traveled all around! I don’t even know how many destinations already. We went to New York, Europe, Singapore—ang dami! We (Love Club) got closer because of that.” Janina Manipol, model and social media influencer

“I have so much to be thankful for this year! I don’t even know where to start. First, I’ve travelled the most this year for so many reasons: research, pleasure, education, and work! I opened my second and third (Le Petit Soufflé and Garde Manger) restaurant with my restaurant group Tasteless Restaurant Group. I have so much work [that has enabled] me to share my knowledge with more people and I love that. It’s the greatest thing I can achieve. I also got engaged this year to my boyfriend JV! It was a dream come true, and the brightest highlight of my year.” –Miko Aspiras, chef

My pregnancy. It’s such a wonderful blessing that I had not expected. The idea of having a baby girl next year inspires me so much.” –Vania Romoff, fashion designer

“I’m most thankful for family. This has been a very difficult year for my family, and it’s made me appreciate each moment with them, especially how we take care of each other through difficult times.” –Chelsea Robato, model

“I’m thankful for all the unexpected opportunities that have come my way. It taught me how to ride the waves that life throws at me and make bigger waves out of them.” –LA Aguinaldo, model

“Nothing can be as heavenly as to be blessed with a baby. My husband and I are extremely joyful to be pregnant this year!” –Isabel Roces-Trebol, model and columnist

“I try to live gratefully for every day but looking back at 2015, I would say that I am most thankful for my family, the good health we’ve had this year, and the opening of two more Wholesome Table branches—a testament to the success it’s received since we opened our first branch a year ago.” –Bianca Araneta, model and restaurateur

“I am thankful for several things. On top of that list is my family. They have always been my strongest foundation and inspiration. I am grateful for my health; that I am strong and healthy—that is truly a blessing. I am thankful to my team and employees; together, we literally make dreams and fantasies come true. I am deeply grateful to my friends, who have been with me through thick and thin. Finally, I am thankful to my partner Nix who defines unconditional love succinctly.” –Rajo Laurel, fashion designer

“I’m thankful to have made friends and worked with really amazing people this year.” – Tina Ong, Religion Black blogger

“I’m grateful that despite the war and tragedy that continues to hit countries around the world, love permeates and prevails. I’m thankful that people are chilling out about judging the LGBT community, that women are finding their voice, and that the legalization of marijuana is on the horizon; excited to see what medical miracles unfold from it in the years to come. Grateful for the freedom to make decisions, and to maximize this crazy thing called life the best way I see fit.” – Sarah Meier-Albano, model and editor in chief

“I’m personally thankful for being able to bring unicorns to existence this year: Fotosemana and Thousandfold. Got a lot done off my bucket list. I’m simply just grateful for all the beautiful, strange, fun, and sometimes, mysterious turn of things, sometimes a sea change. Aside from friends and family—that goes without saying—thanks for Spotify, cat paws, HD 1080 projector, bulalo in Baguio, and finding my marbles in Romblon.” – Wawi Navarozza, photographer and Thousandfold founder

“This year, I’m most thankful for travelling and seeing the world.” –Kimi Juan, travel blogger

“I think we should be grateful every day. But today, I am particularly grateful for annoying people on Instagram. They keep me humble.” –Bea Ledesma, Hinge Inquirer Publications group publisher

“Aside from good health and family, I am most thankful for the return of full brows that are not too arched ‘cause they do make everyone look better.” –Ria Prieto, Preen editor at large

“This year, I am most thankful for the hardworking and talented team that helped me run Preen this year. Whatever success the website has achieved is owed to their dedication. And Bumble. Am crazy thankful that Bumble exists.” –Cai Subijano, Preen managing editor

“I’m thankful that I’ve experienced what could be one of the scariest moments of my life this year. I got through it and damn, everything else seemed less scary. Of course, I got by with a little help from my friends and family.” –Randz Manucom, Preen associate managing editor

“I’m thankful that despite feeling that the year went by so fast (I swear it’s not just me), it was still populated with the funniest little things. From welcoming a new puppy into our pup-ulation of two at home, countless sale items I was able to get my hands on (Central Square will be on sale until tomorrow—hurry!) to the Sunday dates with my mom, 2015 was a pretty charmed year.” –Meg Manzano, Preen contributing editor

“I’m thankful for all the junk, Jamba Juice, Vitamin C, and eye drops the world let me afford. Without that, I would’ve been the walking dead by now. But really, I’m grateful for the people who stayed despite a trying year, who put up with my shortcomings, and who brought me grub at ungodly hours. I love you, Food Panda.” –Chryssa Celestino, Preen features editor

“I’m thankful for taking a risk in moving forward in my career. I gained some haters for it, but they are always going to be there anyway. Oh, and since I mentioned them, I am thankful for my haters, too, for reminding me to always push for greatness.” –Olivia Estrada, Preen editorial assistant