They say that art imitates life. There are times, though, that the opposite can happen and at the 88th Academy Awards a lot of our on-screen idols taught us some real life lessons.
So the next time you find yourself in an awkward situation or in an incredible moment but still expected to keep your poise and composure, pick up a thing or two from this year’s Oscar awards.
#1 Say it like it is
All eyes were on host Chris Rock this year not only because hosting the Oscars is always an honor that comes with great pressure, but because of the #OscarsSoWhite controversy. Chris managed to address the problem unflinchingly and used just the right amount of comedy to get away with some really harsh realities.

A photo posted by BottomlineMedia Blm (@bottomlinemedia) on Feb 28, 2016 at 5:49pm PST
Though his opening monologue did divide the audiences, at least, it wasn’t as painfully awkward as, let’s say, Anne Hathaway and James Franco. Anyway, you can judge his opening monologue for yourself here:
#2 Always be ready to meet someone you don’t like
In an occasion such as the Oscars, you should expect to be forced to interact with people you don’t exactly get along with, or worse, Ryan Seacrest. For this scenario, Saoirse Ronan taught us the best way to deal with it.
I can’t pronounce her name but Saoirse Ronan is giving me life #Oscars #ERedCarpet A video posted by Claudia Oshry (@girlwithnojob) on Feb 28, 2016 at 4:22pm PST
#3 Get right down to the numbers
Seriously, though, the racism and sexism that has plagued the Oscars has got to stop. If you still don’t believe it or you think it’s just material for sketches and gags, The Huffington Post offered us some straight-up facts:
FYI, Y’ALL #Oscars2016 (via @huffpostentertainment) A photo posted by HuffPost Women (@huffpostwomen) on Feb 28, 2016 at 7:39pm PST
That being said, we’re hoping for a shift in numbers next season.
#4 Dust off your haters with an even bigger show
Lady Gaga has remained silent over the shade thrown at her by David Bowie’s son, Duncan Jones, over her Grammy tribute to the rock legend. But that didn’t stop Mother Monster from giving yet another chilling performance at the Oscars. She performed “Til It Happens To You,” a song she wrote addressing sexual violence and abuse for the show. She then was joined by 50 victims of sexual assault onstage and received a much-deserved standing ovation.
#5 Accept victory with grace
Of course, I can’t complete this list without mentioning how Leonardo Di Caprio finally bagged the Oscar for Best Actor. Out of all the memes, tweets, and even games that poked fun at Leo’s losing streak, everyone expected him to go up the stage like this:
But Leo, always the class act, gave a very calm and suave thank you speech, and even used the time given to him to address one of his biggest advocacies: climate change.
And that’s how it’s done. Kanye West may very well be taking down some notes.
Finally!!! Our guy!!! We’re so so happy for Leo!!! — KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 29, 2016
Photo courtesy of TV Line