More wellness questions—and answers

We are all a work in progress. And every bit of information goes a long way to help us achieve our wellness goals.

Q: I am concerned about my elevated blood sugar. My recent blood test states that I am a borderline diabetic. Help! Any natural remedies?

It’s really all about lifestyle. What you do every day is what contributes to your illness or wellness; the choice is really yours. Start by observing yourself and listing down your habits, moods, cravings, etc. You will find that at the end of the day, there are more negative than positive things you are doing. For example:

1. Midnight snacking on junk food

2. Bingeing on sweets

3. Overloading on refined carbohydrates

4. Not exercising

5. Not eating enough vegetables

Try this: Load up on more vegetables. One of the most potent of veggies is the bitter gourd or ampalaya. If you don’t want to eat it, try juicing it.


½ ampalaya, seeded

½ green apple (peeled)

½ singkamas (turnips)

Drink this daily. Walk 30 minutes a day. Cut out carbohydrates at night. Switch to brown or red rice. Drink ampalaya tea (commercially available) after every meal.

Q: How can I have more radiant skin?

Again, I cannot overemphasize the importance of lifestyle. Drink plenty of fresh, clean water, 10-15 glasses daily. Exercise.

Add bright greens, reds, and yellows to your food color board—add leafy greens, squash, tomatoes, carrots, and oranges to your diet.

Scrub your entire face and body once a week with virgin coconut oil and sugar (1tsp sugar, 1 tbsp VCO)

Increase you vitamin C intake. Ingest after or during meals—500 mg/meal. On the average, I take 3,000 mg of vitamin C, whether through supplements or fruits and vegetables.

Increase the vegetable/fruit ratio in food, as in two is to one.

Q: How do I raise my energy levels?

First of all, get enough sleep! On the average, you need six to eight hours, if possible before midnight. Sleep is one of your “musts.” It is also the secret to a more youthful appearance. Eat foods that energize you, and not “energy vampires.” Live, fresh food as against overcooked food will deliver “live” energy to you. Your body will store this energy as you need to burn it.

Q: How do I get rid of my little aches and pains?

Whenever you have a medical condition or not, please see your doctor. Pain is a sign put up by the body that says “Pay attention to me now!” Do not ignore the signals. However, just because you have a headache, for example, isn’t a good enough reason to reach out for a pain killer. Examine the cause before addressing the symptom. Maybe you are just dehydrated. Seriously! Many headaches are attributed to dehydration. One sure way to drive those little headaches away is to gradually get into an exercise program. The more you exercise, the better your body functions.

Affirm today: “I am a work in perfect progress!”

Love and light!