Twitter users are losing it over the new 280 character limit

By Denise Fernandez

You may have noticed something off with your Twitter account today. The social media platform is testing out a new feature with a number of selected users. And nope, it’s not a new edit button, unfortunately. Twitter is lengthening its character limit, doubling it from 140 to a 280–meaning you can tweet a hell of a lot more than you usually do within one post.

Twitter users pretty much went ham after Jack Dorsey, founder and CEO of Twitter, tweeted about the upcoming change using far more than the 140 characters we’ve grown so used to.

And of course, Twitter users, being Twitter users, gave their feedback, and a lot of them weren’t so nice. But they were all also really creative. From utilizing the new feature to make a point to just making snarky commentary, this goes to show that the good people of Twitter are extremely witty.

Here are our favorite reactions about it:

One VICE editor even went as far as copyediting Jack’s entire tweet.

Then we have another editor who joked about everyone being so against the 280 character limit.

But like this popular social media-savvy Jesuit priest, a lot of us just have mixed feelings.

What do you think about the new Twitter limit? Tweet us at @scoutmagph