Skincare problems you should care about as soon as now

A typical day in a millennial’s life isn’t as easy as it seems. With school or work taking up most hours, there’s hardly any break for us to take a deep breath and pamper ourselves. You close your eyes and the next thing you know, there’s a whole pile of never-ending deadlines, missed calls, and social media buzzes. This unfortunate scenario became so normalised that the youth only look forward to summer: beach getaways and hassle-free days you can end with a relaxing skin care regime that takes ages to apply.

Nowadays, millennials have a tight knitted schedule working towards that one big dream (or many). We are granted with the youth, energy, and right amount of optimism to push harder than ever. This is the time for that one big leap, and sometimes this can get overwhelming. Needless to say, you don’t have to compromise. Here are some advice on how to target your specific skin problem.


Face and Body Impurities

Actually, scrap that. As much as we all hate it, we wouldn’t want to call acne “impurities.” This is a natural phenomenon where our skin reacts to dirt, sebum, and bacteria into a frustrating burst of inflammatory condition.

Acne is not exclusive to the face so give your body the same love you give you face by smoothening and revitalizing it.

While it’s not entirely our fault, and simple soap cannot do ultimate salvation, we can best prevent it with a quick switch to a deep cleansing soap without drying or irritating the skin. Look for antibacterial ones with gentle exfoliating formula. Acne is not exclusive to the face so give your body the same love you give you face by smoothening and revitalizing it.


Dull Skin

Sleepless nights and early morning work days may result to dull skin. Add the Metro Manila’s humidity which may clog your pores, and sometimes soap isn’t just enough. Try a salt scrub to get the refreshing feeling of getting that dirt and sweat out. Remember to stay away from bleach. You don’t want harsh bleach burns and odd spots out. A salt scrub serves a do-it-yourself scrub therapy as it detoxifies the skin while at the same time moisturising it.


Persistent Acne

Isn’t it infuriating when people play doctor and say “You just have to wash your face more!” pertaining to your acne? We hate that feeling of invalidation, just because you haven’t found your holy grail. If your sole enemy is face acne, then try oil-controlling facial wash. It all starts with sebum and although dewy skin is a trend, there’s a difference between shine and oil-drenched.


Open Pores

Not all of us can go to the beach during the intense heat. Some of us are left in the urban jungle busting ass (in a good way). The trapped heat and pollution result to unsolicited budget sauna, and when you think it couldn’t get worse: boom, large open pores.

It’s surprising what refreshment can do and how a little toning may improve your overall mood.

Try a pore minimizing toner. After cleansing, simply saturate a cotton pad with the toner, and apply on your neck, and décolletage at night. Toning is also good for the morning to remove sebum produced overnight and to balance your skin’s pH. It’s surprising what refreshment can do and how a little toning may improve your overall mood.



Even if the millennial determination is commendable, too much work can age us faster. The truth is youth is our advantage when it comes to the business world where everyone is hardworking. Just because you haven’t hit mid-life crisis does not mean you should avoid anti-ageing products. Try an anti ageing face and neck cream. Kick-start anti-ageing skin care, because you’re not getting any younger.


Dry Skin

To conclude a skincare routine, it’s always best to moisturize. Try a moisturizing cream and lotion to nourish the skin throughout the day and night. During the day, apply sunscreen to protect your face from the scorching sun and to prevent dark spots. It is like a glass of water for our skin, and everybody knows that water is a must.


Oily and Sweaty Skin

The oiliness from the city heat and commute gives that sticky feeling we all hate. If you think staying fresh all day is an impossible feat, think again. This is within reach with a simple finish.

If you think staying fresh all day is an impossible feat, think again.

After an easy peasy skin care routine, finish it up with an anti-bacterial powder to keep your face away from oil and sweat. Keep it fresh as you enter the office or classroom without announcing your hectic morning then feel free to go out with your friends post-work with just a little bit of touch up.

When you think these can get overwhelming, the line of skin care products by Gluta-C Kojic Plus+ is an affordable option for those always on the go! For an affordable cost, it can be a millennial’s quick fix with an easy switch, because the world doesn’t stop for anyone.


Art by Bryan Sochayseng
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