This party lets you customize your denim jacket and wear your tsinelas

Just like that, April is coming to an end. That means we technically have one month left to enjoy the summer—err, dry season. Luckily, May is a month full of festivities. It’s the month where many Philippine festivals are celebrated. And before all those fiestas take place, our sister publication Preen is giving May a good start.

Preen collaborates with local fashion brand PIOPIO for a summer fiesta party called #KuboParty on May, 4 p.m. at PIOPIO’s Kubo along Esteban St., Legazpi Village, Makati City. Cool, right? You know what’s cooler? Everyone—including your pets—is invited to the party.

The event begins with Happy Skin co-founder Rissa Mananquil-Trillo’s talk. She’s going to spill the secrets on how to build a business. As a broke young professional, that discussion might just be what I need to resuscitate my dying savings account.

Preen and PIOPIO also encourage you to wear your old denim jacket. But it’s very hot, you might say. Our response is: Scorching! Then, just find a way to bring that old jacket. It’s very important. Preen and PIOPIO are setting up a patching station where you can customize your old denim jacket with PIOPIO’s trademark fabric. Who wouldn’t want to transform an old garment to something like these (see photos below)?

Of course, it’s not a party without the music. Hernandez Brothers, Mafia, and Miss Badkiss are performing. Come in your fiesta print. You’d never want to miss the dancefloor at this party, so wear your most comfortable footwear too.

When I say comfortable, I don’t mean this:

What I really mean with comfortable footwear is the ever trusty Pinoy tsinelas. Come on, it’s a tropical party and tsinelas is the perfect footwear for a fiesta.

A fiesta isn’t complete without food. So yes, there’s food from Your Local and Jollijeep. Yardstick and Jungle Bar are in charge of the drinks. Plus, Preen has a lot of surprises in store for attendees. So, don’t miss this out!

Check out Preen and PIOPIO’s #KuboParty event page for more information.