You have until the long weekend to join this free scriptwriting workshop

Attention, scriptwriters: If quarantine isn’t exactly helping you develop your brainchild, then the next best step might just be signing up for a workshop. Don’t worry, there’s a free one just around the corner.

The Film Development Council of the Philippines recently announced an upcoming virtual scriptwriting workshop to be hosted by award-winning director Jose Javier Reyes. Through a webinar and occasional Zoom meetings, you’ll get to learn the ropes of scriptwriting (and revive that idea back from the dead.)

Speaking of ideas, be ready with your stories to score a slot. To join, submit a storyline of not more than one page and two to three scenes based on that storyline. Make sure to follow the international standard scriptwriting format. How about the tone, situation or theme? It’s your call, as long as it fits the current time—or as the poster says, COVID-friendly.

Send these along with your name, age and resume to with the subject line “REGAL Scriptwriting Workshop” not later than June 15. While polishing your stories and avoiding procrastination, feel free to sign up on this mailing list to support local cinemas too.

Art by Cathy Dizon