Have an early taste of summer with this lavender-lychee sorbet


2 cups water

1 pc. mango

4 pcs. strawberry

2 cups basil

1 pc. garlic clove

1/2 cup olive oil

2 tbsp. dried lavender

1 can lychee

3 cups sugar

3 tbsp. lemon juice



  1. Heat two cups of water with dried lavender for 30 minutes to infuse the flavor.
  2. Strain the lavender-infused water and add sugar until it thickens.
  3. Blend the lychee until liquid in consistency.
  4. Mix the lavender-infused water, lychee juice, and lemon juice in a bowl. Cover with cling wrap and put it in the freezer for about 12 hours.
  5. For the pesto, blend the basil, garlic, olive oil, and a pinch of salt.
  6. Slice the mango and strawberries into small cubes.
  7. Mix the fruits and pesto sauce in a bowl.
  8. Once the lavender-infused water and lychee is frozen, blend the mixture until smooth. Place it in a stainless steel bowl and let it set in the freezer for around 30 minutes.
  9. Place the mangoes and strawberries with pesto in a cup or dessert plate and top with the sorbet.

This story was originally published in Northern Living, June 2015.