Unexplainable body aches? Your emotions and thoughts may have an answer

Theta healing
Certain body aches are psychosomatic symptoms of deeper issues that are plaguing you, and theta healing helps you make a connection between the two. For example, difficulty in breathing indicates an unhealthy flow of emotions.

Theta healing sessions involve deep discussions between the healer and the client, from queries about physical ailments to insightful questions on behavior patterns and pressing relationship problems, in a process called “digging.” The healer helps the client reach the theta state, where the brain waves are on the frequency that allows for deep meditation. “It is when in this state you are able to work directly with Source, Spirit, the Universe, God, or Creator of All That Is… to facilitate powerful healings,” describes the website Theta Alchemy.

Theta healers also do muscle testing, which determines the kinds of beliefs that a client holds on to as well as if a shift has happened in their belief system after the session. “When a bottom belief is transformed, [those] stacked above it will automatically change—like a house of cards—instantly freeing you from limiting patterns without the need to relive past traumas.” Negative belief systems are transformed from deep within, allowing the client to recreate their life the way they would like to.


Millennial card reading and aura cleansing
There are also theta healers that use millennial cards to help those who need healing to get to the root of their current stressful situations, as the drawn cards reveal the issues at play for each person, from physical to emotional and psychological. The cards are not meant for fortune-telling; they merely illuminate what already is and help theta healers explain to the clients the possible solutions to their pressing problems, such as forgiveness, self-love, and non-attachment. Those who come seeking for very particular answers may come away disappointed but talking to someone else who can be objective about a situation can be therapeutic in itself. A session ends with the theta healer cleansing the client’s aura and transmitting to them the healing and calming energy from the cards. On a deep level, theta healing could get you on the path of healing yourself through acceptance. On a more immediate scope, you leave a session feeling much lighter than when you came in.

Contrary to the belief that meditation involves getting the mind completely blank, it actually means letting thoughts pass through you but without getting attached to the emotions that color each thought. Meditation teacher Denise Celdran says, “It’s easy to go into a circle of thoughts grinding inside your head, especially the negative ones. But when you accept your thoughts without judging them, the mind begins to calm down.”

Centering on your breath is also the key concept in meditation. “Notice your breath: it’s shallow when you’re stressed and thinking negatively. When you deliberately take deeper, longer ones, you become calmer; the sting of your thoughts abate.”

Meditation and breathing bring a world of wonders when done regularly: they help you focus on the present, on the act of breathing, and the ability to be non-judgmental about your thoughts is vital in developing detachment—and with detachment comes the lessening of stress and fear. “You watch your thoughts and emotions as if from a third person point of view: you see them but they don’t eat you up. You’re calm.”


This story was originally published in Northern Living, January 2015.