Have no fear, bikers, QC’s speeding up their bike lane project

The Quezon City local government has launched a bike lane project with Commonwealth Avenue as one of its location prospects. Mayor Joy Belmonte is fast-tracking the project to begin its implementation in July.

The first phase of the project will include the improvement and repair of existing bike lanes, as well as the addition of temporary traffic separation devices. The bike lane project aims to make cycling safer for those who have shifted to biking for transportation due to the lack of public utility vehicles amid the pandemic.

“We are working double time on this project so that the increasing number of bikers in our city will be able to travel safely without other vehicles running over their lanes,” said Belmonte. 

The local government is eyeing improved route connectivity to intersecting roads and more bike parking areas around the city. They are also drafting an ordinance that can support the bike lane program in order to better protect the cycling community.

[READ: More space for bikers: QC gov’t plans to extend city’s bike lane to 161km]

Belmonte has asked permission from the Metro Manila Development Authority to carry out this project along Commonwealth Avenue. 

For their long-term plans, Quezon City plans to integrate the bike lane systems with the planned bus system routes and pedestrian network.



Header image courtesy of Grig C. Montegrande for Inquirer.

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