UP Diliman Academic Oval reopens this weekend with stricter health protocols

The University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman’s Academic Oval is a haven for fitness enthusiasts. Its wide-open spaces and tree-lined paths spanning over two kilometers offer fresh air, something we sorely miss in isolation.

UP Diliman. Photo by Jefferson Villacruz

So after closing the Oval to the public on Jan. 23 due to the existence of new COVID-19 variants and a rise in new cases, the university is re-opening its public spaces starting Feb. 15.

But while citing the need for public spaces for people’s mental and physical well-being, UP said it is also serious in its implementation and observance of health protocols within campus grounds.

In a Facebook post, the university reminded the public planning to return to the campus’ open spaces to strictly abide by the following health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other possible ailments:

The UP Diliman administration also said that it has enlisted the support of the Barangay UP Campus COVID-19 Task Force to help monitor compliance with minimum health protocols.