KC Concepcion Has 6 Tips for People Who Want to Do Humanitarian Work

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When Rihanna accepted her Humanitarian of the Year award, one of the key things she said is that you only need to help one person to be considered a humanitarian. Hearing that, you’d wonder if it was really that easy. This is why we turned to another celeb who’s also devoted her time for charity: KC Concepcion.

KC took a step back from showbiz to pursue humanitarian work. She’s an ambassador of the UN World Food Programme, and helped with feeding programs in the marginalized areas in the Philippines. She also started KC’s Closet to sell pre-loved items to donate to the cause.

That said, we wanted to get another glimpse of how a humanitarian shapes herself to serve people better. Here’s what we gathered from our short chat with KC.

#1 Let your family inspire you

Apart from being able to help, one of the things that push KC is thinking how she inspires her younger sisters.

“I have sisters that I look after and I enjoy watching them grow up. I think of them whenever I hear people tell me [that they look up to me.] It also encourages me to continue doing what I do because it’s nice to know that you’re doing something right.”

#2 Don’t do things in vain

“When they tell me that they’ve been inspired by me, I think of the people who’ve inspired me. It’s just proof that you really have observe your life and really see that you’re not just doing things in vain, to be selfish. That you’re actually really also thinking of other people as well.”

#3 Work in teams

When asked about the best advice her elders gave her, KC simply answered that it’s better to work with a team.

“You’re only as strong as your team. If one person can make a change to another person’s life, what more if you have 10 people? It’s more of including and involving other people in what you do, and that’s the only reason why we want to talk about what we do.”

#4 Do things in your own time

“You have to remember to stay true [to yourself] and not be pressured by what people want you to do at a time when it’s convenient for them. It’s really important to pause and look at what’s really important right now. That’s what I’ve been doing. I’m really going back to my roots and focusing on my social enterprise. Also, working around the media and my passions.”

#5 Don’t let multiple tasks intimidate you

“You just have to focus. It’s really a gift to be multifaceted and to be multitasking. You have to be able to do each one with excellence. [Don’t just jump] to one job to another without focusing or giving importance to it. Really give 100 percent to what you’re doing in the scene. Work hard because the people around you have worked just as hard, you cannot take that for granted.”

#6 Stop comparing yourself to others

“Stay humble because there will always be someone prettier than you, better than you, or more talented than you. But if you work hard enough in your craft, then people will see that and will be touched by it.”


Photo courtesy of KC Concepcion’s Instagram account

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