Internationally-Acclaimed Film ‘Bliss’ Gets an X-Rating from MTRCB


Bliss, the film for which Iza Calzado nabbed Best Actress at the Osaka Asian Film Festival, got an X rating from the MTRCB. This means we don’t get to see the locally-produced film that brought us international success. What did we say again about not having nice things?

The production team is still fighting for it. On the film’s official Instagram account, they stated how they will be filing for an appeal.


An X rating is often marked on a film for excessive sex scenes and violence. However, Iza Calzado, in a press conference, was quick to point out that Fifty Shades franchise got a pass in local cinemas despite being uncut and uncensored.

What’s the big deal? Why can’t we support local films that have been lauded abroad?

Earlier this week, a trailer forthe film was released, promising a May 10, 2017 release. We hope no one stands in the way of this.


Photo courtesy of Bliss‘ official Instagram account

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