What You Need to Have at Home for ‘The Big One’


Yesterday, we  gave you a list of what to put in your go-bag in case you would need to evacuate for the “The Big One.” There is a chance that you wouldn’t need yours after the earthquake, but do remember that the situation will render usual services and establishments closed. You need to have a stock at home to survive until some normalcy resumes.

Tick off the following items on this list so you’ll be prepared at home.


The Red Cross recommends you keep aside a gallon of drinking water per person a day and that you should have stock for the next three days. For other water-related needs, it’s best to fill your pails and other huge water containers as the earthquake may affect water supply and pressure.


Same as your go-bag, have canned goods with easy to open tabs ready. Opt for packed ready-to-eat meals that don’t require being heated or refrigerated. Take into account early the minimum food requirement the people in your house eat in a day so you don’t run short. Don’t forget to consider the food allergies and restrictions each member has as well.

Flashlights and emergency lights

You can get a solar powered emergency light so you don’t have to worry about recharging. Otherwise, make sure you have extra batteries on hand.


Keep aside some shampoo, soap, sanitary napkins, toothpaste, and toothbrushes according to your needs. Bottled soaps and shampoos are best as they are easier to store and take with you.

Medications & First-Aid Kit

Have a supply of any medications you may be taking currently for at least one week. Also have some first-aid medicine and materials. Surgical masks will also be helpful for those who are suffering from asthma or those sensitive to the dust and rubble residue.

Personal records

Keep copies of your personal and pertinent records in waterproof and dust-resistant folders beforehand. It would also be good to scan them and email them to yourself and keep them in a flash drive


After the earthquake, most, if not all, communication lines will be down. It’s best to keep up with the latest updates and developments through the AM radio.

Cleaning and work tools

This includes a hammer and screwdrivers plus materials to help secure your home. Have also some cleaning agents aside, preferably ones that don’t need to be rinsed with water.


Photo courtesy of Pixabay

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