If You’re Kendall Jenner and You Don’t Tip, Expect the World to Find Out

kendall jenner

Celebrities’ lives are put under a magnifying glass and news of everything they do (or don’t do) can spread fast. This is what happened to Kendall Jenner when Brooklyn bar Baby’s All Right claimed that she did not tip her bartender. They took to Instagram to post an alleged copy of Kendall’s receipt with her signature amounting to $24 with no amount specified in the tip portion. They then captioned the post with “Don’t forget to tip your bartender :).”

As of writing, the post has been deleted but netizens were given more than enough time to take sides on the issue. Many called her cheap saying that bartenders “lived off tips,” while others came to her defense calling the post unprofessional.

Following Kendall’s tone-deaf Pepsi ad and Fyre Festival promotions, her life is being looked at more closely with people almost waiting for her to slip up. With her life constantly in the spotlight, has she lost her privacy?

What do you think? Was she wrong to allegedly have not left a tip? Or was this an invasion of her privacy?
[Harper’s Bazaar]


Photo courtesy of Kendall Jenner’s Instagram account

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