How Scotland Wants to End Period Poverty

Period poverty is real and affects women across the globe. When menstruatating, a normal occurrence in females, the items needed to cope with it become a point of privilege. Some women have to resort to various pitiful ways as sanitary pads can be expensive.

This is why Labor MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament) is proposing that the government provide free sanitary products to its citizens. She said, “Access to sanitary products should be a basic right but sadly in Scotland we know not everyone can afford or obtain what they need.”

Her proposal includes imposing on school and universities to provide sanitary products to their students. It also looks into the possibility of developing the system of distribution in the same way they provide citizens with a NHS C-Card which grants them access to free condoms.  If passed, it will make Scotland “a world leader in ending period poverty.”

And if Scotland does prove itself a leader for women’s rights, it just might be a needed example for other countries to address period poverty, especially here in the Philippines.



Photo courtesy of Rebel Circus

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