The Director of ‘100 Tula Para Kay Stella’ Reacts to Negative Reviews of Their Film


Every film receives its fair share of feedback, both negative and positive, and now that there is social media, it’s easier for the viewers to voice out their opinions to the public. So how should you deal with it?

Director Jason Paul Laxamana chose to reply to almost every Twitter reaction to 100 Tula Para Kay Stella. Positive feedback rendered a retweet and thanks while negative feedback was met with witty, often, cold remarks. Yes, the film was one of the most viewed over the weekend with posts about fully-booked cinemas and long lines. But what really caught the netizens’ attention and surprise was how the director dealt with feedback.

A few comments escalated from movie reviews to the director’s personal stand on politics.

These were just a few of the responses over the weekend and as of writing, director JP still responds to tweets both directed at him and the film.

Based on his reactions, he’s not scared or threatened by haters, in fact, it sustains him. One of his recent tweets even addressed this when he said, “A career not built on making papansin (asking for attention) on social media cannot be demolished by people whose lives revolve around making papansin on social media.”

What are your thoughts on his reactions? Was his response valid given their negative comments or was he out of hand?


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