Young Emperors: A Manila exclusive with New York’s French creatives

Digital fashion icons Young Emperors savored the Philippines’ delights, from Punta Fuego’s boodle fights to a rendezvous with Carl Jan Cruz

If you’ve dabbled, even briefly, in following the fashion world, you’ve likely encountered the quirky videos of the Young Emperors while scrolling through your social media feed. 

The New York-based French duo composed of Nelson Tiberghien and Isabelle Chaput command over a million followers  on Instagram and TikTok, captivating audiences in ways few big fashion houses can.

Unfettered by branding constraints, the couple’s creativity flourishes. Their signature? Matching outfits daily for the past decade. Their videos showcase a unique sense of style with mind-bending concepts—from meeting miniature versions of themselves to seamlessly switching outfits in a blink.

As the Young Emperors waltz through the fashion world, the dynamic pair go behind the content creation scenes to share insights on their intensive Asian trip, creative process, and reflections on the intersection between travel and style.

 Young Emperors
Unfettered by branding constraints, the couple’s creativity flourishes. Their signature? Matching outfits daily for the past decade


The creative content process

Chaput and Tiberghien take content to the next level with a holistic approach that sets them apart in the digital world. 

On a quick loop, they add a narrative with a foundation in good styling, a paradoxical twist, and a big dose of whimsy. 

With such a precise and playful approach to fashion and content creation, it’s no surprise that both Chaput and Tiberghien have backgrounds in photography. “We actually met when we were both studying in photography school in Paris,” they reveal, allowing them to view content creation and styling “in a very editorial manner.”

Nelson Tiberghien and Isabelle Chaput wear Carl Jan Cruz

“That’s what makes it so inspiring for us,” they continue. “The fact that we get to create not only a story and narration but also the visual of it, not only through the capture but also makeup, styling, location, etc.” 

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Adventures around Asia

For the French Young Emperors, who have been based in New York for over a decade, it was always a dream to bring their creativity to Asia. “We decided that this summer would be the one to do it. We decided to take a month and a half to be able to visit several countries, and it was the most incredible trip.”

Traveling through Korea, Japan, China, and the Philippines, what made their trip special was the personal connection they shared with friends across the continent.

“We are so lucky that we have many friends in Asia, and the fact that they showed us their favorite spots and their childhood memories… We get so inspired when we travel because everything is a new opportunity for us to create.” 

During their Asian sojourn, their time in the Philippines last August stands out as particularly memorable. Even at the airport, they were greeted by a frenzy of fans. Hosted by their friend Miko Tiu-Laurel, they explored “the most wonderful places,” indulging in “the incredible food (we ate so much)” with boodle fights on the beaches in Punta Fuego and even meeting fashion designer Carl Jan Cruz. 


Fashion moments in the Philippines

Meeting Carl Jan Cruz and exploring his studio was a particular highlight, the Young Emperors enthuse.

“We love to learn about traditional garments and the history behind them when we visit a country—at the same time informing ourselves about the current trends and clothing culture, local designers, and the wave of new talents emerging.” 

With this insightful approach to fashion, the Young Emperors try to incorporate this new knowledge into their styling and content.

One favorite fashion moment was “learning about the cultural and traditional clothes of the Philippines, which are so beautiful,” they say., “We fell in love with the baro’t saya.” 


More than a travelogue, the Young Emperors’ visit marked the beginning of new bridges of cultural connections, taking one stylish step at a time, maybe even on a creative loop that will bring them back to the Philippines. 

“We are so lucky that we have many friends in Asia, and the fact that they showed us their favorite spots and their childhood memories… We get so inspired when we travel because everything is a new opportunity for us to create.”

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