His Sun sign Libra may yet redeem ousted Chief Justice Corona

Former Chief Justice Renato C. Corona

Renato C. Corona was born Oct. 15, 1948, which makes him of the Sun sign Libra. Just now he’s playing a waiting game on how his conviction will pan out. His fate may have unexpected surprises particularly later in the year when some of the enemies who have helped convict him will have to deal with their own Karma. By 2014, if he is able to successfully appeal his conviction, and it is likely he may be luckier than any of us think, he will leave the Philippines and relocate permanently. This will be a time of great positive change then.


You can get great glimpses of your future if you are careful to pay attention to what your intuition tells you about proper guidelines for living and working. Now is the time to take up that  serious relationship you’ve been only “daydreaming” about and move forward with trust. If you do this you will set in motion your success.


You may have had an unusually aloof vibe toward others recently. Now you’ll have an opportunity to see what is actually keeping you from committing or getting closer to people. This could well relate to a deeper psychological issue and will free you by acknowledging and seeing it.


Who will lead you into temptation when you can lead yourself, right? You can see associations and potentials you may have overlooked before. It’s important, on the other hand, to study the life and actions of people you have a high regard for before you begin to try to be like them.


If you feel drawn to soft, agreeable situations right now, you may overreact to a jarring, momentary social blunder. You will, however, make an excellent first impression so try to overlook and quickly forget any embarrassments as they won’t make any lasting impression on your stylish personality at present.


You may have to just run and get away this week. If you can’t, position a beautiful panorama or countryside photograph on your desk and meditate on it all through the day, even for just a few moments, to re-empower yourself. That should help anchor you till you can let your hair down.


Repetitious duties may have you bored to tears just now. You can easily fall into the ambush of apathy. . . OR you can kick off with some sideways and creative ideas to make your life more enjoyable and attractive. That applies particularly to personal interactions where you may be starting to take someone for granted.


You could have a struggle on your hands if you are truly serious about committing yourself in a relationship to someone. You can’t afford to be anything but lucid, decisive and credible when dealing with people generally just now, especially if you are trying to attract the love you know you deserve.  Stand up for your ideals and expect the best.


It’s a most suitable planetary transit to communicate your emotions toward the one you love. You’ll feel understood and can in fact take your friendships to novel levels of understanding. But you may want the opposite if there is no give and take (and that is not something to be tossed aside lightly).


If you don’t act on your dreams you may miss them. Your imagination may actually be too strong for you to actualize now. With your ambitious inclinations, work can do really well for you now but this could be the very thing that is hindering your attempts to find greater love and appreciation.


Your good fortune is running high and means that you can manage to take some premeditated risks on a new relationship just now. What may appear a long shot could probably be a bolt of lightning from the blue if you act in confidence. The planets especially favor new introductions and romantic opportunities.


There’s no doubt that you have the vital drive and enterprise to work out some of your relationship issues this week, but at the same time, a tense edge and pressure make weighty labor of the entire procedure. Family members can inconvenience you at present. Onward, through the fog…


This week may just have a positive edge. You can easily go to extraordinary lengths to accomplish your goals. You could become rather fixated on someone and this can adversely affect whatever you are doing. Pushing yourself past your limits can be a distinct warning sign.

Your Karma—Q&A with Dadhichi

K from Manila asks: Hello,  Dadhichi! Can I surpass my financial problems this year?  I have been cash-strapped and don’t know what to do with my debts.  How can I overcome this problem?  Please help me. Thanks, K, Manila

You are fickle with money and don’t understand the universal principles of attraction. You need to focus on what you want and have rather than what you lack. You attract more of what you think about. The placement of Mars and Saturn in your chart indicate that you tend to work in areas you don’t particularly enjoy. This is the second important law of attraction. Work at what you love and things will start to turn for the better in the early part of 2013.

Good luck, Dadhichi.

Dadhichi is director of www.astrology.com.au.

You can contact Dadhichi at dadhichi@astrology.com.au.