Everyone has a first and forever

ANDREW Garcia and Borgy Manotoc

The world after school can be scary. Even the most accomplished students feel the pressure of venturing into the workplace. Now almost in my thirties I look back to that time when I saw any job as an enriching experience. I was happy to be part of something I believed in; even if all I did to help the cause was answer phones and grab whatever my bosses needed.

Our first job is rarely ever our last. And what are our early twenties for but to make mistakes trying new things? Slowly you will start to find what really matters to you.

In the current global climate of economic uncertainty, this generation’s graduates may see little hope. But every crisis brings new opportunities. Do what you need to do to pay the bills but never stop searching for what brings you real happiness. New businesses and occupations are created every day as the digital world is constantly being reinvented. The Philippines is still largely an untapped resource and it is our opportunity to create something we can be proud of. We all have something unique to contribute to the world.

Doc Martens is all about how our firsts can define us forever. Be it our first pair of shoes we will never forget or the first job interview we feared. Our firsts may define us but our lives will be determined by what we choose to do next.