Duterte’s Softcore Porn Story Is an Inappropriate Speech Topic

Updated on Aug. 4, 3 p.m.

Yesterday, Pres. Rodrigo Duterte spoke at the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s (BIR) 113th anniversary. Just like his SONA, it was a colorful speech with the usual cuss words and threats against his enemies. Apart from that, he also told an uncomfortable story about looking at softcore magazines.

Read that over one more time then watch the video below. The anecdote, which involves his childhood friend and Finance Sec. Carlos Dominguez III, starts at the 1:20 mark.

Yung tatay niya, mahal niya noon ang Playboy Magazine. Pumupunta kami doon sa lagoon near our subdivision and doon namin tinitignan yung mga centerfold,” (His dad used to love Playboy Magazine. We would go to the lagoon near our subdivision and look at the centerfolds) Duterte said. In front of government officials at a supposedly respectable event, no less.

The audience laughed and applauded, probably thinking that Duterte’s “just being real.” But really, there’s a line between being professional and inappropriate. This instance, among so many, is the latter.

A respected leader should know when he/she is crossing the line, especially when they’re making jests. Government events like the SONA and BIR’s 113th anniversary are not avenues to share inappropriate remarks and stories that reek of machismo.

If Duterte’s “realness” includes objectifying women, that’s not something he deserves applause for. Being “real” isn’t a free pass to be an awful person. Do you really want a president who peppers his speeches with expletives, objectification, and private stories that we have no business knowing about?

If you’re wondering why he continues doing these things, ask why these people are praising him and boosting his ego in the first place. It’s the same when he told several rape jokes and got cheers for them. The more he thinks that this is perfectly okay, then he obviously won’t stop.

Erratum: The information on masturbation was corrected to “looking at softcore magazines. (tinitingan yung mga centerfold [ng Playboy Magazines.]” We apologize for any misinformation that was previously published.


Art by Lara Intong

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