Time to iron out differences


Marian Rivera should iron out differences now if she is to expect long-term satisfaction in her relationships. Unfortunately, there are indications at this time that her destiny is such that she should spend money on the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Caution is absolutely necessary and she must be clear in delineating business from pleasure throughout the next year or two.


What appeared to be an extraordinarily difficult change to adapt to in some relationship is now becoming more to your liking and will even bring opportunities you had not expected. A short journey this week may prove to be fruitful. Luck is on your side so be prepared to adjust your schedule to accommodate good fortune.


Good things come in little packages so this week, what may seem understated is actually a blessing in disguise. Perhaps you’ve been expecting something bigger and better yet what comes to you now will allow you to achieve things at a much more manageable pace.


What did you expect, a cakewalk in some newfound relationship? The fact of the matter is that once the honeymoon is over you have to get down to the hard work of deeply understanding and compromising in your love life. This may be hard but if you persist, the rewards will be well worth it.


You may receive opposition from someone you expected to be an ally. Before jumping down their throats, however, try to understand their perspective as what they see may in the end be distinctly in your best interests. Friends are well-meaning just now.


If the tools you are using to improve your romance are not working just now, you need to take a fresh  approach. Why keep banging your head against the wall with little or no response from your loved one? As well, occasionally spitting the dummy is one surefire way of gaining the respect that you deserve.


You’ll get cold feet over some new friendship. Others may be encouraging you along these lines but your instinct is opposed to what you’re hearing. Trusting your intuition is the first step in attracting someone trustworthy—remember that. This is the law of karma.


You may have to make sacrifices this week to maintain the peace, but at the end of the day, you feel as if you’ve sold out. Maintaining your integrity is your key lesson this week and finding balance when compromising may not be that easy with someone who is demanding.


Commitments to family will wear you down at a time when you would prefer one-on-one interactions with the person you love most. Unfortunately, you may be pressured into attending a family engagement that will ruffle your feathers. At the same time, this will also open your eyes to some underlying suspicions you’ve had.


Some of you may now be nearing the completion of a cycle in which you come to understand someone much better. You thought that this would be a turning point where you could commit to an individual but now find yourself hesitating. As the old adage goes, if in doubt, leave it out.


You don’t need to be over the top to make an impression on others. Grace, courtesy and greater reserve than usual will have the desired effect in any social encounters you plan. This is a lucky time so you shouldn’t allow yourself to be overcome by negative thoughts. All will work out in some relationship issue just now.


You yourself are weaving a web of complicated affairs around some friendship and you must pull back now if you are to get things back on track. The power that you have over someone must not be abused. The respect you give now will be returned in ample measure.


Even if you think you’ve made a mess of a relationship recently, there is always time to work on what you think has been ruined. Only pride will keep you from resuscitating your love at this time. Humility is your key word and taking the first step may be the most difficult but also the most rewarding ultimately.

Your Karma—Q&A with Dadhichi

I’m in need of help to hit off scratch lotto tickets. I play these and I need to hit it big so I can pay bills and own my own home. I would appreciate your help with lucky numbers. Thank you. J J, Mindanao

I have worked with many wealthy people over the years and guess what? Not one of them made their money by gambling. Do you seriously believe you can pay off your bills like this? You are in debt for the most part through gambling. If you’d saved this money you’d have a deposit on your home now. Best wishes, Dadhichi

Dadhichi is director of www.astrology.com.au

You can contact Dadhichi at dadhichi@astrology.com.au