Your internal radar

No illness is a sudden occurrence. And according to the tenets of natural medicine, the roots of physical dysfunction are very deep and develop over the passage of time. This is a mind-boggling truth but one we should consider nevertheless.

Scanning oneself

More often than not, when you are confronted with physical pain, one nagging question haunts you to the point of disbelief: “How can I be sick when I am healthy?” And so, the mind undergoes several stages from disbelief to denial to dismissal or determination.

Gary Zukav in “The Heart of the Soul” explains that it never really is just physical. And he advises us to go beyond the physical ailments by digging deep within.

If there are instruments in your car that provide continuous reading on the entire operations of the engine, then the human body has the same.

And just like a car, your body is a vehicle.

The car has an engine—without it, the vehicle will not run. The engine of the body, your vehicle, is your energy system. And the instrumentations providing information to the body are your emotions. Every feeling that you experience is telling you exactly how your energy system is functioning.

Now this is the crux of the matter—when drivers or pilots pay attention to their instrumentation, they are able to prevent an engine breakdown. Same, too, with the body. By scanning your energy system at each specific energy center every waking moment, you can pick up information that could be crucial to your wellness or illness.

Ignore the information continuously and eventually a malfunction is inevitable. The art of scanning is called emotional awareness.

Being aware

Pay attention to every signal your body sends you. Do you have any of the following?

There are people  who are constantly in touch with every sensation in their bodies. So should we. Adept at reading the signs, they do not look at these experiences as chance occurrences. Instead, they translate them as valuable information about their energy systems.

Now this is important to know: If you can choose to ignore the signals—your emotions—your system will create more intense physical discomfort that will render them impossible to ignore.

This is when a hospital stay or doctor’s visit becomes a priority. It is time for you to be aware of your vehicle—the body. But it is also the best opportunity to process your energy system as it happens.

Energy-draining are many emotions—anger, sorrow, jealousy, bitterness, mistrust.

On the other hand, healthy-inducing and uplifting sensations are caused by joy, fulfillment, love, contentment, gratitude. In short, negative thoughts and feelings diminish you; positive ones stabilize you.

To do:

When you have physical pain, focus on two things: the actual bodily ache and the emotion or thought that accompanies it.

Example: You have a stomach pain and realize that a violent thought like anger accompanies the sensation. You might discover now that certain thoughts accompany particular sensations.

If you notice a connection, then this very awareness is a sign of progress for you.

If you feel nothing or feel very little, it’s time to think again. Everyone feels physical pain and discomfort.

Know that every time you have pain, it’s a clear message that energy leaves one of the centers in  your body.

Energy centers

Essential to understanding  your emotions is the knowledge about the various energy centers, Undetectable by X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging, these centers are not found in any organ nor can they be touched, tasted, smelled, heard or seen. Undetectable by the five senses, they are, however, detectable by your inner radar—your experiences. Let’s begin a countdown.

7th center—Found on the crown of the head. This is where energy enters your body and moves downward to the base of the torso.

6th—The forehead and the area between the eyes. This center allows you to see beyond the five senses. When it is activated, you see the entire world and all creation as part of a greater nonphysical world. You know that you are not alone and understand your purpose in this life.

5th—The throat area, your voice. When energy leaves this center, words do not flow freely. You are unable to speak up.

4th—The chest area is supposed to radiate love and trust. When there is pain here it means that you are afraid to love and people soon appear as objects to you.

3rd—The stomach area or solar plexus when in pain, is indicative of fear and doubt leaving the center.

Reducing acid is not the answer to an upset stomach. It is also through awareness.

Example: “You cannot stomach” a situation in your life— problems with a lover, spat with a friend, money worries.

2nd—The sexual center says that with fear and doubt, all strangers are attractive to you and that one partner is a useful as the next. Thus the predation in you dominates. When it leaves in love and trust, relationships become co-creative and respectful.

1st—This root center connects you to the Earth as the 7th; the crown connects you to heaven or the spiritual world.


Go back in time. Transport yourself to a place where you felt totally secure and loved. Recall the situation. Embrace the memory. Think it and feel it. Notice how your body is more relaxed, if only for a moment.

Affirm today: “I embrace my inner joy”

Love and light!