Spend time, money, and energy on things that make you healthy and happy

Doing without unnecessary stressors can help you allocate your energy towards the things that truly matter



Stress is one of the major contributors to a weak immune system, weight gain, and serious cardiovascular issues. A minimalist lifestyle can positively impact your overall health because you can effectively manage stress by simplifying your day-to-day activities and tasks.

Doing without unnecessary stressors can help you allocate your energy towards only the most critical tasks. You can prioritize spending time on what matters the most—health, relationships, personal growth, and learning.

Imagine living in peace without worrying about health problems, financial struggles, relationship issues, work overload, social pressure, and unnecessary house clutter—that’s what embracing a minimalist lifestyle can bring.

READ: How to increase metabolism and build strength in your everyday movements

Applying minimalist living

Here are the questions you need to ask yourself before pursuing an activity or spending money on something:


READ: Eating right for your cycle: Days 1 to 10

Devote time to your most important tasks and with the most important people:



Simplify with a minimalist lifestyle and appreciate more





READ: Integrating the best walking strategies into your daily life – why, when, where, and how?

Recovery and leisure 






READ: How to start a fitness journey with your partner outside of gifts and date nights

Personal growth


Work productivity


Email the author at mitchfelipe@gmail.com or follow/message her on Instagram @mitchfelipemendoza