How to Be Mindful About Your #UberlessDay Stories


It’s been a week since the LTFRB suspended Uber for a month, and the effects were felt instantly. Commuters shared how they had a hard time booking a Grab, especially during torrential rains, due to the limited options. Some were forced to ride a cab even when they felt uneasy about it and also came across rude drivers. Meanwhile, former Uber drivers also had to find ways to earn their keep for a month.

However, people like Miley Gono-Atienza found a positive side in the ordeal as she shared on Facebook her #UberlessDay experience.

In the post, she said that since Uber got suspended, the traffic lessened somehow. This was deemed insensitive by many netizens as it made light of Uber drivers’ and commuters’ troubles. “I honestly didn’t think it through before I posted it because I was thinking, ‘Oh, its just Facebook and its on private naman [and only friends can see it.]’ But then again, it’s FACEBOOK,” Miley told us.

She added that her story was written in good faith as she really saw how the traffic improved. “I posted my status on Facebook on a happy tone (though admittedly I realized was a little insensitive). To my surprise, instead of using logical arguments related to my status and the topic, people resorted to ad hominem,” she said. 

Miley also received insults and threats from netizens, and even involved her children. Most of them attacking her for being “privileged” because her husband Marco Atienza owns a taxi franchise. But she said that this no bearing to her Facebook post and assured that the taxi company is willing to help people who are having a hard time going home these days.

“We have a strict hiring process before we allow a driver to drive for our company. Aside from the driving test which they have to pass, we also conduct a neurological test in order to determine if they have the proper mind set,” Marco said. “Our vehicles can be booked using our call center, passengers can pre-arrange a booking by calling our hotline numbers, where we keep a data of the name of the driver who made the pick up and where the passenger was dropped we do this so as to be able to assist our customers in case they have any complaints or have left a baggage in our cabs.”

Everyone has had their share of #UberlessDay stories, and most of them are bad. What we need right now is to just be mindful and find ways to help our fellowmen. Miley admitted that she learned her lesson from the incident and would be more sensitive with what she posts next time.


Art by Lara Intong

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