One more ‘Tatang’ story

There was such interest in my column on Fr. James Reuter that I had to rack my brain trying to remember more stories, but I must be “low batt” as it doesn’t seem to respond.

I do remember, though, when Ambassador Mercy and I went to his 92nd birthday lunch. When we walked in, actor Noel Trinidad was singing “On the Street Where You Live” and I couldn’t resist but join in and our voices soared!

Afterward, my tatang called me over. I thought he was going to praise me as he hadn’t heard me sing in years—haha, no such luck. Instead, I was scolded for joining Noel in song: he told me point-blank that it was a song to be sung by a male and I shouldn’t have sung along!

I was so amused; this was my tatang, all right!

I include now his prayer—one we prayed at every rehearsal, performance, Mass, conference. May it bring you grace.

Reuter’s prayer:

Look down upon us, this day, this hour. Regardless of what has gone before, or what will come after, give us the grace to consecrate this time entirely to You—all the actions of our body and soul.

May all the thoughts that come to us be true.

May all the things to which our hearts go out be beautiful, with the beauty of God.

May all the things we want be good.

Give us the light to see Your will, the grace to love it, and the courage and strength to do it.

We ask You this through Christ Our Lord.


James B. Reuter, SJ.